Conversation Between megaman64 and shadowsong2b
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 663
OK than maybe one of where vanilla and her daugter was take in by a human
OK than maybe one of where vanilla and her daugter was take in by a human.
I mean. true but Cream and Cheese? someone was either uncreative or eating a bagel when they designed her.
And I've been doing one where varous Sonic characters are raised by humans. I tend to shy away from playing established characters because my personality bleeds into the character alot.
Well her fur is cream like. I'm thinking of doing a rp of her and her mother.
yes. Yes I do. I personally like Amy but Cream is just adorable. Though why they named her Cream is beyond me.
Cool so know Vanilla and cream the rabbit?
ive been on a nostalgia trip lately so yes.
Glad to hear. I missed our Babydoll RP a bit.