Conversation Between KyrieEleison and monkeytoster
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
I usually laugh about everything, there's just some things i'm sensible about because I had some problems in the past, but you're okay you know, it's just that you have to remind people sometimes, not your fault
Uh... not sure if I actually offended ya... if so sorry. I was just supposed to be a joke. I was gonna put it on the actual pic, but my computer has been trashed for quiet a while and the mobile site doesn't allow for you to comment on actual posts. This seems a tad more serious that I actually went to your page to comment, but it was the only way I could get my comment in and I had thought it was funny at the time. sorry... ' ^,'
What Mina says and what's happening is usually different v-v Plus even if that was the case, I'm not her toy.
Well, about that whole 'Character blongs to Mina' thing. Arn't you Mina's pet anyways? :3
Silly Kyrie.