Conversation Between Friskspanker and FetchaSwitch
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 22
I want to take a real, official break from this. I am just accepting I am not great at replying on animeotk at all.
I will try again sometime in the future. But for now, I plan to just take a break.
To give an update, will try to reply tommorow
I'll try, it's just stressful.
going to make next weekend?
Got it, will try to reply this weekend. Busy on many things though
To clarify Im Inviting her to put girls in corner
Feel free! I think I just asked a question a while ago.
I've been doing college and story stuff recently so I haven't really done RPs here. But I can try to get back into it.
Would you be ok if I made a post to get uss "unstuck"
Hey buddy. Ever see my question?
So what should I do next? I was gonna have her send them away but it seems like your message sets up another scene