Conversation Between aka and Worslei
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
June 29th, 2016 02:18 AM
That is a good point. I could probably repurpose the spankings to only happen during more comic relief scenes (or as part of domestic disputes between friends), and keep them out of conflicts with enemies.
That will definitely be worth considering if/when I revisit Potion Wars.
Well to be fair, there were a lot of them crammed into the short time period in the beginning. You could just stretch the time between them out a little more. I remember promising the healer and the one trainer (I forgot her name, rough day today) to revisit theirs and that never happened. And then, of course, you could always add in so some characters/bosses can't be spanked at all because of reasons. Professor Oak pops in and says "Now isn't the time to do that!" or something.
June 16th, 2016 11:06 PM
Thanks for your interest!
There are no level 1 spells. You're grinding for no reason.
There was going to be an option to join the Vengadores, but it wasn't going to be for a while.
I may go back and revisit Potion Wars in a few years, but I'll need to either rework the story to make it more light-hearted than I had originally planned, or make it vanilla. It's not so much that I didn't like what was going on with PW (in fact, I was loving it). It was more that the spankings and the story were working against each other. There was a lot of tension there that made writing and planning it awkward. PW has a story that begs to be taken seriously, but I at least just can't take a story seriously with everyone running around spanking each other.
I know that you've said that you didn't like what was going on with PW, but after playing the "demos" of both I thought it worked a little better, setting and story-wise. Was there going to be an option to join the Vengedors?
More importantly, are there level one spells in the release or am I just grinding for no reason? XD