Conversation Between peace1672 and Kion the Fiercest
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 229
I see that you are still looking around my profile. if you still don't want to rp, perhaps you could help me with ideas on how to write stories?
though, you can take me up on my offer, if you want.
never mind my private message, sorry to bother you after not talking for a while.
if you ever change my mind about rping with me again, I think it would work better if I play spankee, just a suggestion.
sorry if I bothered you, I just don't have a lot of partners and really liked when we rped.
I am sorry about that. And I can try to do better, I was planning on telling all my current and potential partners I want to be more descriptive.
Tbh, you're pretty bothersome with your excessive messaging. Plus the fact that you don't post that long. Makes it uninteresting.
can I ask why not? I have lots of ideas I want to get out there and I can't find that many partners.
does that mean we can try rping again?