Conversation Between Roseyreaping12 and Gothicruby
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 32
Got the responses in! Hope they're alright, just let me know if you want me to edit anything more in to work with!
Hey! Just letting you know that I still definitely want to rp and I'm responding now!
Oof, sorry to hear that! Nothing worse than sleep deprivation!!
Going good, just very very sleepy, near delirious cause if it. I did a night shift and havent done one in months and its got me a little messed up for the next day or two, night shift tonight as well lol.
Hey, just wondering how things are going?
Ok, no worries! I'm looking forward to it!
Hey friend! I will reply either tonight or tomorrow i has taken a small hiatus for vacation to just rest and reset but im back and plan on replying soon.
Ok, got both replies done! Tell me how they are and if there's enough to work with? If not, I'll be happy to edit!
Same! I should be done with the second response in a few minutes!
I just responded to one lol getting ready to respond to the second one lol.