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Conversation Between Hrtofdrkns and Kion the Fiercest
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 19
  1. Kion the Fiercest
    March 3rd, 2024 02:53 AM
    Kion the Fiercest
    also, if I can write more into my posts maybe it will work better if I know the fandom better, this time?
  2. Kion the Fiercest
    December 4th, 2023 09:09 PM
    Kion the Fiercest
    sure, I can, just wanted to ask one more time.
  3. Hrtofdrkns
    December 4th, 2023 05:21 AM
    Couldn't you just start your own rp with someone else?
  4. Kion the Fiercest
    December 3rd, 2023 11:25 PM
    Kion the Fiercest
    could we maybe just do a few more scenarios? was thinking of aging up Breha a bit and having her spanked and having Raillis and Kel get along before they grow up and then we can end it.
  5. Kion the Fiercest
    November 19th, 2023 03:59 AM
    Kion the Fiercest
    are we still doing our rp? I know you lost interest but I thought you agreed to go a bit longer.
  6. Kion the Fiercest
    December 12th, 2022 12:40 AM
    Kion the Fiercest
    I think it's your turn, are you busy with something else?
  7. Hrtofdrkns
    December 3rd, 2022 12:48 PM
    Jayac should now show Ralis affection, let him kow it's okay that he's scared and confused.
  8. Kion the Fiercest
    December 2nd, 2022 01:15 PM
    Kion the Fiercest
    where do we go from here, in the rp?
  9. Kion the Fiercest
    August 28th, 2022 07:12 PM
    Kion the Fiercest
    I am trying to write more detailed posts, with my other partners. We could possibly try to rp regularly, again.
  10. Kion the Fiercest
    July 25th, 2022 03:21 PM
    Kion the Fiercest
    actually, I think I get the setting, I was just unsure because I was thinking about doing another rejuve rp with someone else with anthros.

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