Conversation Between nelson1977 and Kion the Fiercest
Showing Visitor Messages 81 to 90 of 108
another question. I know you said you can't do Transformers but what about the ones who turn into realistic looking animals, or at least, close enough, could you draw them in their beast modes?
I read it...but sorry...Christmas is over and I will not do this kind of pics until next year!
But you can continue sending ideas if you like!^^
did you get my last private message? It's not too late do do one more Christmas pic but if you don't want to, that's okay.
also, can I link to some of your pictures as inspiration for potential rps?
- can send me suggestions...I always read them!
are you still too busy for suggestions?
You can send them to me ... but make them? Not yet!
so, can I send you back some of my Transformer suggestions and maybe you do one of them?