Conversation Between Cc and Originalname5684
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
July 8th, 2023 03:10 PM
Hello Original Name 5684,
Thanks for the thoughtful message. I am still alive - lol - but I have not been drawing much in recent years. I am sorry for leaving some of my series high and dry. Life has a way of getting busy and overwhelming and it’s likely going to get even busier for me in the next few years. I am not going to make any commitments to making any comebacks as to avoid disappointing anyone, however I am hoping to occasionally stop in and do some more art. However this has been a bit hard for me recently but I’m going through some personal growth and acceptance right now that is helping me get back to some of my roots, and as weird as it may be, spanking is one of them. So hopefully with getting more into that side of my sex life again it will help me want to do more art on the topic too - but no promises.
I’ll reach out to kamitora as we years back would touch base now and then - hope he is well.
Thanks for thinking of me and reaching out.
Hello Cc I just wanted to ask if you might ever make a return. Or at least know where you've been as of recently Kamitora has seemingly vanished and you've been gone for a while. I hope to see both of you active again one day.