Conversation Between charles wilbourn and Kion the Fiercest
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 40
I actually forget at this point, sorry.
I'm ready to start our George Catwell RP. Where did you set it up? What roles are there? Who plays who?
I'm okay, I was just waiting on you.
Are you OK? I''m Bout ready to st!rt oir rp
Just so you'll know, my laptop is down and I can't go into any long-term projects till Christmas when I'll get a new one.
I would. I am recovering from back surgery and am spending time asleep. I'm also working on "A Boy Named Patrick" but I'm having problems with that, but I haven't forgotten you Don't worry.
would you still like to contribute to either type of my stories/rps?
Yeah, that's fine. You can ask other people for help too.
are you ready to reply? I may be asking other people for help, too, if that's okay.
so, would you and I be writing the mostly non spanking story, or are you helping me figure things out to help me give a good rp prompt to others?