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Conversation Between Robert and charles wilbourn
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 30
Hi, Robert! I'm just writing to thank you for sharing your coloring of a very fine work to begin with! thanks for remembering me! Best wishes always, charles
Yeah, I get it! Kinda humorous, really--almost a symbol of pain and pleasure!
You probably notice that I had to cut down a lot of my message below, but hopefully you get the message. Any, I should mention about those daemonettes flying about, they look evil and I don't trust them. Still, I gotta say this is a fine, even pretty picture, and it's quite a success to evoke such a response, even from only me!. . . . By the way I've joined your family, and in the unlikely event you need, my services, I'm here! Also you should know that I have written quite a number of stories. ArmadaFan is my co-writer. He contributes largely by giving me the ideas for stories and sometimes storylines--but the creative work of writing fiction is mine. You can find my stories at SkyOTK.com. They're all posted under Armada but my name--and soon my pseudonym--appears on the story it'self, Armada has sponsored a lot of stories from different writers.
December 28th, 2015 05:41 AM
Haha, I'm always happy to chat! ^_^ And that's fascinating to know, even if it's a bit off topic, though it IS a good analogy for Mina, since she's very much unique <3 As for the chopping block... well, she was certainly doing it to scare them, but since she was beckoning them forwards towards her knee to go over it... I think it's less a case of "Off with their head" and more "Off with their pants!" ^_^
Thanks for answering my messag! Well, I like Mina; I'm a member of her fan club, and I have acknowledged her as my daemon mistress. But, I've seen a picture of a Northern French Inquisitor torturing a poor Cathar girl, -but he's whipping her to extract a cofession from her, which he wants to lead to recantation of her religion practiced in large parts of the South of France really, the reason for the Albigensian "Crusade," the war to redeem the South of France from the so-called Cathar heresy rampant there. I'm sorry, I've really digressed; my point is that even in THIS picture, as I recall, there are no instruments or accouterments of blatant death. So this picture of my Daemon Mistress holding an axe while standing over a chopping black--that's not only unique, it's almost unheard of; and it's scary. Hopefully she's only taking this pose to scare off intruders.
December 27th, 2015 06:43 PM
Haha, true, the original intention for the pic was to showcase Mina's essence, and she DOES have an axe as her weapon of choice, which is hardly ever drawn... I requested he draw her with a knee up, beckoning a victim closer to the spanking stump, with the axe in the ground behind and beside her, as if put there now that she was done with it, but I think the choice of wrapping her tail around it makes it look as though she's ready to pick it up and use it xD An unfortunate result of the set pieces, to those who don't know her character well enough...
Hi, Robert!
Thanks for sharing the fine painting of Mina! It's kind of a scary picture since Mina holds a sharp, double-edged axe and her foot is resting on something that looks like a chopping block. Also, it seems to me that the fairies are, a little bit more than usuallyn aughty. Otherwise the picture is quite pretty, and I like the representation of mina. However, once more, it looks like she's willing to execute transgressors, and her fairies are alltogether willing to "help" her in anyway they can--kind of an unusual--though fine painting of Mina.
January 1st, 2015 05:33 PM
Haha, you're very welcome my friend, it was fun to do ^_^
happy new year! thanks for the color picture of purple raven! such a naughty girl!
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