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Conversation Between Waterinacup and Dreamer924
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 36
Hi how r u???? Im just looking for people to talk to? Care to chat?
Hey can you give me some rp tips? I really want to be good at rping but not many people wanna seem to give me a chance.
Hey do you remember me? we did an rp a while back. how ya been? I think im ight have been under a different name then lmao
Hey it's been a while. I have some ideas if u wanna hear them
thats alright sorry. im kinda fast at replying
Sorry, I didn’t expect you to post it so damn fast. I’ll reply soon.
Sorry, I didn’t expect you to post it so damn fast. I’ll reply soon.
Hey r u ok yoiu never responded to our rp
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