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Conversation Between bendmeover360 and ZeldaFan64
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. ZeldaFan64
    August 19th, 2017 03:02 PM
    Or we can have Sahori fight the Heartless and accidentally break a window in the process?
  2. ZeldaFan64
    August 19th, 2017 03:00 PM
    FINALLY I replied, and for that I want to apologise as I seem to have a mini hiatus with threads and yet, I don't think it's fair for my rp partners to be left hanging.

    What do you plan for Isabelle to do in this thread? Would she wait for Sahori to break something or test her anger, or just scare her at the start? Remember that she will spank her, so maybe she can give her one as she's sick and tired of idiotic teens like herself to think it's okay to trespass.
  3. ZeldaFan64
    June 29th, 2017 05:25 PM
    This was what I could cook up with. Sorry for the wait. https://animeotk.com/forum/showthrea...html?p=3204536
  4. ZeldaFan64
    June 7th, 2017 07:51 PM
    Do you want to roleplay?

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