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Nerdking14 Nerdking14 is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 101 to 110 of 2386
  1. mastervegeta
    August 4th, 2017 02:17 AM
    An Emperor must know not all people have the money to put with her expensive tastes! *alternates cheeks*

    Yeah,I agree. ^_^ Her teachings are...quite firm though. O_O

    Win conditions-get Alter's Noble Phantasm gauge to 100%,buff her with all the attack boosts you have,watch the last wave burn,lol. Excalibur Morgan causes damage three times to all enemies. Yes,as if each got three attacks...with Noble Phantasm level. O_O

    Now I wonder if Gil could do as well vs Alter as he did with the normal Saber....^_^
  2. mastervegeta
    August 4th, 2017 01:48 AM
    Well,Saber was soft with Shirou,and the best he handled was tying with Alter and dying,so he lost by default. Alter hates weakness (One of her My Room talks is that if you bow to your enemy,she'll have your head) but being an older Lily,and considering her relation with Rodrigo,she is strict for his own good. Like,Lily and Rodrigo are too soft with each other,and need a firm hand to reach their full potential-and being that Alter is Lily and knows how she'll turn out,she focuses on her Master's guidance?

    My friend code is 220,264,369

    ....That's the King of Heroes for ya.
  3. mastervegeta
    August 4th, 2017 01:48 AM
    After taking all those Quartz,not at all,Emperor.Just be grateful I am only using my hand! *keeps spanking*

    Yeah....a good girl like Lily once spent the whole night over Santa Alter's lap...so imagine DARK JEANNE's register on the naughty list...O_O

    Before the fight,Alter even said "Altera is dissapointing.Her Noble Phantasm,however,is a worthy opponent.Let's go,Master!We shall see who has the strongest Noble Phantasm!!"
  4. mastervegeta
    August 4th, 2017 01:20 AM
    *bares her bottom,and lands the first spank!*

    "...Dark Jeanne.I could Summon you once.My master and I defeated you,twice.So you will accept this job as punishment for your misdeeds,or you'll earn three years on the naughty list.Am I clear...?"

    Considering she's an older Lily,I think this is Alter's idea of tough caring? ^_^; But before the continue,Hercules fought her down to her last 3.000 HP. O_O Then after the continue Alter was so furious that despite any single attack working,she buffed herself to the max and EXCALIBUR....MORGAN!!!!

    Sweet! I'll add you. ^_^

    Sure,let's hear it.
  5. mastervegeta
    August 3rd, 2017 11:42 PM
    "You heard her,Nero. Come here." *pats my lap*

    Lol,it makes sense if it happened,she learned her lesson and she didn't want get spanked again. ^_^

    I beat Rome today... and what do ya know,Alter had YET another training....that ended with me facing the very same enemy of the Rome Chapter's ending,and AGAIN much stronger...she had more HP tham that Dark Berserker! First continue I had to use in my new account! O_O

    Really?How we do so? ^_^
  6. mastervegeta
    August 3rd, 2017 02:28 AM
    Okay,then! *rolls up my sleeves* Nero Claudius,you've been a very naughty girl!

    You can,actually.On "My Room" go into Material,then Singularity Log.

    Once there,you choose the chapter and stage,and it'll replay the cutscenes.You can even pick the choices you didn't the first time around to see what they say!

    On the Interlude Log you can see the summoning cutscene for Servants,as well as every character's interlude cutscenes that you unlocked.

    Lol,glad I caught it perfectly. Somehow I think she'll be jealous at most female Servants they meet.....and it probably doesn't help that Marie's kiss made Rodrigo get a dopey grin or how he was tempted to serve Nero! ^_^;
  7. mastervegeta
    August 2nd, 2017 10:44 PM
    If you teach me how to add friends,I could let you add me as a friend to have Saber Alter fight with you for a while. She's on her third ascension,only one left for her final ascension!

    Oh,can I see Nero's punishment?She earned it for how many Quartz she took before appearing for me!

    Speaking of Nero,besides Lily being jealous of Marie,now she's jealous of Nero? ^_^

    "You are even more intriguing than when first we met.Rodrigo,instead of a guest commander,how about you serve me?You will be able to live in glory by my side"

    "That's true..."

    "....Master,we have a mission.You didn't forget it,right?Master,YOU DIDN'T FORGET IT,RIGHT......?"
  8. mastervegeta
    August 2nd, 2017 03:51 PM
    Saber Alter revealed herself one of the strongest of all Servants,pulverising 43.000 HP with proper preparation and her Noble Phantasm!

    I usually save Noble Phantasms to the end of the battle. I had Saber Alter,Elizabeth Barthory,and Gilgamesh as the friend support.

    First,I used the master skill to increase Saber Alter's attack sharply. Then I used Saber Alter's skills to get critical stars,then to increase her Buster(like her Noble Phantasm) and her Charisma to increase the whole team's attacks(including her own,again.)

    Then,I had Elizabeth use Charisma as well,and finnaly Gilgamesh used Charisma.

    "Swalow the light! Excalibur.....MORGAN!!!!!!" *pulverization in progress!*
  9. mastervegeta
    August 2nd, 2017 03:27 PM
    Very well,let's hear.

    Oh,I see now. Let's just say those Berserks didn't stand out too much to me,lol,except for Vlad and Camilla.

    On Hercules's interlude,some of Rodrigo's line options make it seem like Rodrigo is Illya's brother,lol.

    "I'm counting on you,Berserker!" (while Rodrigo's allies questioned him using Berserker to save a village......)

    Or the doctor "You are surrounded!You're in an even worse situation tham before!" to which Rodrigo replies "Crush em' all!Berserker!!!"
  10. mastervegeta
    August 2nd, 2017 02:27 PM
    I think Nero does need a spanking for that!

    Atalea?I forgot,who is she?

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    Reading, writing, singing, dancing, videogames, rping (online and real life)
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    Sorry to everyone on here I'm rping with, or said I'd rp with, but apparently hit the busy part of my job as I now have to work 55 hours a week. I'm going to try leaving replies to my stuff when I have time, but bear with me if replies take a few days.


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Mayl and Roll's Deserved punishment : I've been looking at episodes of Megaman NT Warrior lately, and they've been giving me a ton of idea August 24th, 2010 159

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