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aka aka is offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 18 of 18
  1. Worslei
    June 18th, 2016 12:38 AM
    Well to be fair, there were a lot of them crammed into the short time period in the beginning. You could just stretch the time between them out a little more. I remember promising the healer and the one trainer (I forgot her name, rough day today) to revisit theirs and that never happened. And then, of course, you could always add in so some characters/bosses can't be spanked at all because of reasons. Professor Oak pops in and says "Now isn't the time to do that!" or something.
  2. Worslei
    June 12th, 2016 02:03 PM
    I know that you've said that you didn't like what was going on with PW, but after playing the "demos" of both I thought it worked a little better, setting and story-wise. Was there going to be an option to join the Vengedors?
    More importantly, are there level one spells in the release or am I just grinding for no reason? XD
  3. RobM
    March 7th, 2016 11:02 AM
    I've added to thread title, it's in obnoxiously loud letters.

    I'm possibly going to create a new section in a short period for these games so they get a little more prominence.
  4. RobM
    March 6th, 2016 02:18 PM
    Heyas - I'm revisiting some of the game threads in the forum, problematically, none of them have the games name in the title.

    I'm not sure if your specific forum permissions let you edit thread titles but could you try and either insert the name of the game/games/series that you've created into your thread titles or let me know them so I can put them in?

  5. Karnacht av Visp
    April 22nd, 2015 03:28 AM
    Karnacht av Visp
    @aka Here's a peek at the part of the Chrono Cross strategy guide I was referring to. I snapped the pic just for you! http://i.imgur.com/x9oAQxE.jpg

    I've played games with far more boring and tedious game play than Chrono Cross. To me that game's fatal flaw was that there were too many characters, and none of them were fleshed out or developed nearly enough. Most of them I only got the chance to use once, and then it was on to the next part where they leave the party with someone else stepping in. Many of them seem to peek early on in the game and become virtually useless later on. (I want to say I remember Marcy being an example of this, however spankable she may be!)
  6. Karnacht av Visp
    April 12th, 2015 08:37 PM
    Karnacht av Visp
    I noticed your comment on the Chrono Cross pic I commissioned, and I'll say that caption on Leena's first weapon is one of the things that inspired it. Did you have the strategy guide? On the page listing the steps leading up to the boss fight with Marcy it refers to that objective as "spank a bratty child." Ever since then I've wanted to see her spanked and who better to do it besides another character with spanking references attached to her?
  7. Bastet
    January 10th, 2015 07:44 PM
    Hello. Thanks you for the nice comments ^^
  8. RobM
    December 6th, 2014 03:36 PM

    FYI, Kingkrull requested his account deleted suddenly. I'm not aware that any reason was given, just a demand it be closed/deleted with immediate effect.

    It's... a bit odd since he seemed mid-sentance. If there's more to it at his end, we'll probably never find out, but I wanted to let you know why you were suddenly talking to a half-blank account.


About Me

  • About aka
    A programmer and hobbyist writer whose top favorite things are: RPGS, writing, and spanking
    Midwest, United States
    old-school CRPGs, fantasy novels, light hiking, Spider-Man, X-Men comics
    VIP Donator
    Chat Addict
  • Signature
    Author of The Scandalous Scarlet Moon, and Scarlet Moon 2: Eclipse Rising, text-based superhero(ine) spanking RPGs found at spankingrpgs.com

    My first spanking fanart! https://animeotk.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=85595


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  • Downloads: 146
  • Uploads: 11
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  • Last Activity: Today 12:09 AM
  • Join Date: December 20th, 2007
  • Referrals: 0


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Member's Files
File Date Downloads
The Bandits : Here's the sequel to my first story, Coming up Short (link: http://animeotk.com/forum/downloads.php? May 16th, 2009 116
Charity and Thievery : This file has two more stories from the journeyman mage series. Yeah, I know, I said before I wasn' May 19th, 2009 153
Coming Up Short : / May 9th, 2009 182
Spankings are Always Better with Ninjas : I posted a few stories up here a while back ... but those didn't really turn out the way I wanted th September 19th, 2010 90
Etrian Odyssey Episode 1: Into the Labryinth : First episode in a let's play of Etrian Odyssey involving spankings. Well, it's not really a Let's P December 16th, 2014 97
Let's Spank Etrian Odyssey Episode 2: Not Just a W : Episode 2 of my Let's Spank of Etrian Odyssey. Find the first episode here: http://animeotk.com/fo January 25th, 2015 70
Let's Spank Etrian Odyssey Episode 3: Rage : Episode 3 of my Etrian Odyssey Let's Spank. Episode 2 found here: http://animeotk.com/forum/downlo February 9th, 2015 59
Let's Spank Etrian Odyssey Episode 4: Music and Da : Episode 4 of my Etrian Odyssey Let's Spank. Episode 3 can be found here After their disastrous en March 27th, 2015 51
Let's Spank Etrian Odyssey Episode 5: Faking It : Episode 5 of the Etrian Odyssey Let's Spank. Episode 4 can be found here While the Sirens expl May 4th, 2015 48
Etrian Odyssey Let's Spank Episode 6: Freak Out : Episode 6 of my Etrian Odyssey Let's Spank. Had a lot of trouble with this episode, and I finally re June 28th, 2015 35
Let's Spank Etrian Odyssey Episode 7: Priorities : Coming down off Amelia's brief flirtation with Crazy Tyrant mode, the Sirens finish exploring the th August 8th, 2015 45

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