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Nothing specific so far, we certainly don't have to start with it, it was morea question for a future. Some minor ball-spanking as part of his punishments, maybe urethra penetration (cathetors and such); possibly some form of chastity, since he'll be going naked around the ladies?..
HellO! Thanks a lot for the start, sorry I took so long to reply.
One final question, though it' for future - are you ok with things happening to doctor's genitalia? Of course I'm not talking anything really traumatic. But I know many people prefer to avoid mentioning taht area at all. )
Oh, sorry for teh inconvnience! It didn't notify me about teh problem, sorry. I've cleared teh space.
Well, nothing special, but feel free to use your imagination, I'm pretty open to cruel and unusual punishments. ^^ Of course, the forced nudity and such, as you've mentioned in your original thread, are totally ok and more the welcome!