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Jac26qq308 Jac26qq308 is offline

It's Morphing Time!

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 101 to 110 of 6199
  1. mastervegeta
    April 27th, 2022 02:51 PM
    Cool, right? ^_^

    Aside from the two cards, the big one is Mew's Funko Pop, and the small one is the Mew that comes as a gift from the Nendoroid Red and Blue figures, lol.
  2. mastervegeta
    April 27th, 2022 01:54 PM
    My young, though growing Mew collection, lol.

  3. mastervegeta
    April 27th, 2022 11:42 AM
    Lol, mega Persian!

    But don't worry, Rocket Chu can more than hold his own against Persian!

    (Specially since his uniform has the same effects as a Light Ball, lol. )
  4. mastervegeta
    April 26th, 2022 02:20 PM
    Ya bet it is! Lol, I might even do a Team Rocket series after the Erika pic just to homage my Rocket Chu partner. ^_^
  5. mastervegeta
    April 26th, 2022 12:06 PM
    Look at what I found here on Brazil and bought online! It'll get home in two days, lol.

  6. mastervegeta
    April 19th, 2022 09:33 PM
    Well, at least Erika won't be lonely if both her AND Rodrigo are grounded, lol!
  7. mastervegeta
    April 19th, 2022 06:04 PM
    Everything, obviously, could also mean Sabrina might be angry that Erika didn't stop Rodrigo BEFORE he faced Giovanni. Or, that even if she did correct him, she still hid from Sabrina the danger their little brother got himself into.... ^_^;
  8. mastervegeta
    April 19th, 2022 03:05 PM
    Yep, lol. I think that's prescisely why despite not liking to make her little brother cry (I imagine Erika is more likely to spoil and pamper Rodrigo than scold him!), Erika figured teaching her little brother a lesson herself would be better than risking Sabrina finding out.

    Oh man, otherwise he'd be grounded for three weeks minimum AND get the Psychic Slipper!
  9. mastervegeta
    April 19th, 2022 02:29 PM
    Lol, yeah, but ten year old kids rarely think that far ahead.

    That's why big sis is there to teach her little bro to think a bit far ahead...even if she has to take a "hands-on" approach in teaching, lol!
  10. mastervegeta
    April 19th, 2022 12:18 PM
    I was inspired by that time I sent you a PM about an open world Pokemon rom Hack where I could truly play the part of Erika's little brother by having Celadon as my hometown and Oddish as my starter, and you said that you wondered what would happen if Rodrigo and his Oddish just went to the Game Corner and Giovanni trounced the kid with his LV 40 or so Pokemon, lol.

    Basically, the pic will take place here https://archives.bulbagarden.net/med...Hideout_PO.png

    And Erika will be punishing Rodrigo for doing something so dangerous as to take on Team Rocket being, you know, a child who just started his journey with a lv 10 Oddish Erika gave him, lol.

    Basically, the idea is that Giovanni DID beat Rodrigo....but little did he or even Rodrigo know, Erika had followed her little brother and she ended up rescuing him from Giovanni. ^_^

About Me

  • About Jac26qq308
    Cannonball Shores
    Rescuing Princesses
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  • Downloads: 115
  • Uploads: 14
General Information
  • Last Activity: Today 04:54 AM
  • Join Date: December 31st, 2012
  • Referrals: 1


Showing Friends 1 to 20 of 47


Member's Files
File Date Downloads
Dragon Ball Spank : In this episode of Dragon Ball Spank, Goten shows his mother just how upset he was when she walked u November 7th, 2016 165
PokeSpank: Spank Battle : November 16th, 2016 235
Toriel has a Bad Time : The time has come for Frisk to leave the Ruins and try to find her way to the surface. But before sh April 21st, 2016 203
PokeSpank: Palm Version : Sawk decided that he was going to do some training today. Mienshao, however, seems to disagree with May 24th, 2016 92
Red Tails : A story-commission written for someone on dA. A Sonic the Hedgehog Spank-Fic. Tails has been over February 9th, 2017 127
Festival of the Roaring Dragon : Short story of a young lady during a spanking festival. Based on this pic: https://animeotk.com/ May 8th, 2017 146
Catfight Club 01 : The Virgo Kingdom is home to many women who live for the thrill of fighting. These Amazons are now a June 3rd, 2017 111
Tsunade's Rough Night : Tsunade is in the middle of doing some Hokage work when she is attacked in a rather unusual way. X/F July 8th, 2017 140
Fairy Red Tail : A commissioned story. Erza Scarlet finds herself depowered and humiliated by...the hands of a child? August 8th, 2017 250
Royal Duel : A game between two aristocrats. Only, they will be playing for more than just amusement. (Femslash, December 9th, 2017 93
WhiteSquaredshipping : It's Rosa's birthday and Hilda plans on giving her a birthday spanking! October 1st, 2018 146
Crimson Comics #1 : Jango Fox has decided to take a trip across millions of Lightyears to a planet called 'Earth', hopin July 26th, 2019 66
Captain Bowsette & The Plundered Stars : The stars are being stollen from the night sky! If this continues, nobody's wishes will come true. W February 12th, 2023 79
I Met With With An Underling And... : The story that's meant to go with a pic of the same name, but couldn't post it due to it being too l January 15th, 2025 19

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