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I'm in the mood to be the parent, so that would work. Do you like it when the Penny and caretaker had some prior connection? Like siblings or cousins, former lovers, former classmates, etc?
Are you looking to start any 'Soft Rejuve' RPs in the near future? If you are, we could discuss further to see if we would be a good match for that sort of RP.
How do you interpret a paragraph? I know some people consider 5 sentences a paragraph while others call 10 sentences a paragraph. On the topic of rejuve, what are your thoughts on a 'softer' Rejuve-verse where the goal is rehabilitation over excessive punishment? I saw a recruitment thread like that (which I need to reread). It piqued my interest.
I can understand that. I'm the type to get burnt out easily, too. What are your RP preferences? For example, I like multiple paragraphs and am alright with any gender pairing. However, I heavily dislike blood, bruising, and any form of sexual assault/rape (even implied/fade-to-black scenarios).
I have to respond here because I reached my daily limit of 2 PMs.
I understand. I just wanted to clarify that Mimi is not an OC. I am lightly interested in the Rejuve universe—that's where an adult is forcibly regressed to a child to be rehabilitated, correct?