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Level 1: (Your Level, guests and members with 0-9 posts) has maximum advertising. Level 2: (A user with 10 or more posts who has been a member over two weeks) have vastly reduced advertising (including removal of the large full screen closable adverts) Level 3: (A member who has been registered over a month and has over 50 posts, or has a special account like "artist" or "writer" sees minimal advertising. Level 4: (VIP Donators) receive no advertising.
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I'm afraid I've no idea what you've done, there is a reoccurring error with replacing images but it's unclear if that's what's happened here.
I've removed them both, please reupload, that should solve the problem and get everyone seeing the same thing - just please don't try to change them after you've uploaded.
You cannot upload comissions from other artists (Which I understand the Aztec pictures are?) into Communal Gallery.
This would indicate that you are claiming credit for drawing them, which obviously is not permitted.
Please upload them into the Known Artist section with credit to the artist for the drawing in the description box and feel free to explain the concepts and meaning of the piece there too. I understand this has a small knock-on effect to their exposure during busy periods but we must keep those on the path to Residents Artist submitting original work clear and obvious for all.
Let me know if you have any questions,