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x32x64x86 May 8th, 2019 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by bonemouth (Post 3711686)
Sorry for the dumb question, but this isn't playable yet, is it?

Ha, this really depends on your definition of "playable".

Currently you can:

- Navigate the house
- Look round the rooms
- Look at the girls
- Think about the girls (Not in that way ;))
- Drag the girls to other locations with either,
- Hand
- Ear
- Panties

- Tell a girl to go to a room
- Tell a girl to put on "x" item of clothing you are carrying or is in the room
- Tell a girl to strip

- Girls all react accordingly to situations they see/are affected by

These were already included by the original author, I am working on adding spanking for now.

Currently my additions let you:
- Start a spanking event
- Choose a position
- Choose and implement you are holding or your hand
- Choose the starting clothing, clothed/panties/bare ect

- Refactor how "pain" works.

- Add modifiers to implements so they increase pain accordingly
- Add the actual spanking "flow"
- "Continue spanking"
- "Undress to "x" clothing" if applicable
- "Scold" - This is actually nearly done

- "Change implement" - Not planned for first release, will be added in future depending on complexity

These are all things I consider essential to me saying im "done" with my initial goal. I also want other stuff like an actual reason to spank the girls and new dialogue (The girls seem scared of you literally all the time)
Fun spankings also sound nice.

TLDR: Kinda? The mediafile link is the newest version (2014). I haven't released my changes yet as it wouldn't be worth it at the current state.

SpecificInter3sts Edit P May 9th, 2019 06:10 PM

Drag then by the panties?
*deep breath*

---------- Post added at 07:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:12 PM ----------

Where is the updated version?

x32x64x86 May 9th, 2019 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by SpecificInter3sts Edit P (Post 3713871)
Drag then by the panties?
*deep breath*

---------- Post added at 07:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:12 PM ----------

Where is the updated version?

Only in the re-write unfortunately, pretty sure you can only run it with visual studio installed (which most people wont have). Il see if I can get my current version released for people to try (Spanking will NOT work though)

---------- Post added at 10:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 PM ----------

I have made a release for people who want to try the project.

This barely works, spanking doesnt work for example this is just so people can actually run the rewrite without paying £2k for Visual Studio.

chilli3500 May 26th, 2019 05:28 PM

Nice too see that this project gets continued

Tableleg0 August 26th, 2022 07:55 AM

I know it’s been a while, but you should 100% keep working on this. Like, make a sort of neutral version that’s designed to have its rooms, characters, implements, and maybe even plot determined by the person using the file?

Spanker121 August 26th, 2022 10:35 AM

Well options like removing their clothing (skirt, Jeans, Trousers, panties) or use of implements would be good too. And some random dialogues from either you, the spankee or the people watching would keep the spanking scenes engaging.

deadp August 26th, 2022 10:15 PM

Let me be the one to ask, by any chance is the MC going receive spankings too?

SpecificInter3sts Edit P August 26th, 2022 11:37 PM

I still like this game. If someone was to continue it, or even mod it so perhaps, the player can decide the names of the characters?
That would be awesome. I'd be down.

aww man... This only got pushed up because someone commented.
I thought this WAS updated recently.

sora666 August 27th, 2022 01:32 AM

Will you add in the feature to spank more than 1 girl at a time? Like if you drag a girl into another ones room, and make them both bend over or something. Or add in additional punishments after a spanking like corner time and such?
Also eventually it would be nice to have the ability to "sleep" or move on to the next day. I know in The current working version its just one long continuous day and its kind of a buzz kill, but the game is still really fun.

oh since deadp mentioned the MC, will we ever get the option to change gender for the MC?

SpecificInter3sts Edit P August 27th, 2022 12:22 PM

So look. I've been mucking about in the game's files.
I can change the names of the characters and the backstory.
It's not actually that hard to do, just time consuming.
Because I'm limited to 1 Spanker and 3 Spankees, that limits the games I wanna play.

I'm going to make different files for Roleplays I wanna do so.
I'm going to make;
Re: Zero, Sobaru v Ram, Rem, and Emelia.
Konosuba: Kazuma v Aqua, Megumin, Darkness.
DDLC: A version where each girls gets a turn. A lot of copy and pasting.

Just stating my plans.
I could publish the files here, assuming A) I have permission before the site Ninja (you know who you are) doesn't strike me down. And B) You guys actually want this.
Who knows, maybe it I'll bring up encourage others to try too.

But I will tell you how.
The file Default.mxl.
Open that in Word or something.
First step, run a Find and replace for each Character's name and change it to the new names you want.
Second step, run a Find for the word 'Lore' Do NOT change anything about the Lore's code. Instead, edit the space between the lore codes to what you want for that character.

<lore>Write it to look like anything else you might want</lore>

Start with something small. Something easy to notice like character names. Then SAVE the document.
I do recommend keeping an original copy on stand by, but you can always redownload the original if you lose it.
Open the game to see if it worked.

These are the basics.
Please, absorb this information. Become one with it, before the Site Ninja strikes me down.

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