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I'm looking into everything now. I've already fixed an issue with the innkeepers positioning, and I'll update again in less than an hour. For those who have the version where the chest is empty, in order to see everything you'll need the items in those chests.
----------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, after doing load of testing and runs of the game, I think this next version that should be up in about 5 minutes has everything stable enough for you to see everything. Remember that you have to GIFT the coin items in order to unlock certain scenes, they don't get consumed either. Some characters will only spank you if your dominance is really low, and vice versa for when you are trying to spank someone. From now on, please make sure you are playing version 0.047 before reporting any bugs. Sorry for the rocky release everyone, but looking at this video might give some context as to why things are as complex as they are: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt0SYoRTDs8 |
When your control with the innkeeper and your behavior is low enough, the impression choice will have her automatically take you up to her room, but then it reopens the dialog menu instead. When I did the same thing with ruby, it triggered a fun spanking.
Okay, another update because the last thing I did broke the game. Don't DL for another 10 minutes.
I swear if this isn't the last thing I have to fix... ---------------- Newest Version is 0.0471, the game straight up won't effin' work if you don't have that one... No guarantee that what you mentioned is fixed Otakuyami, but I saw what would cause that problem and corrected it this version. I didn't test to see if it worked yet. @Light2020: The limits to which a person will spank you is dependent upon their personality type, which ranges from 5 dominance levels and 5 expressive levels for a total of 25 different personalities. The stricter types will take you to your limit, while the more humble and squeamish ones won't take you much farther than red. There isn't a way right now to change a characters limits, but it wouldn't be impossible. |
While I'm waiting I just wanted to say that I do really like this update. The new system is really nice, and the ability to spank the typically dominate innkeeper is pretty much a dream come true for me. I also really love the images that go along with the spanking scenes.
Also I wanted to ask if there was a way to use the cartoon undies/diapers on people yet, or if you're saving that for when we get to iron city. They look cute on the MC's rear, but they might just look cuter on someone else's ;) Also that video had some of the longest If...else statements I've ever seen. I can definitely see how it could be difficult to pinpoint the line of code that's causing issues, and how having single characters with several scenes can be annoying. I wish I owned MV so that I could riffle through the games code some more, but it's a bit too steep for my blood, even with the steam sale going on right now. |
The dialogue box doesn't appear out of the blue when the innkeeper takes you to her room at lv 4 when you have low behavior and control,but it still doesn't work. You get the normal dialogue box.
BTW,I like the new system!I usually play your games as spankee,and now that you need to be close friend to ask someone to punish you,it feels like they really care about correcting you! Does this mean characters that wouldn't spank you on the old version will spank you now with enough familiarity? Like for example,I forgot her name,that treasure hunter from Alumin City? And what kinda characters will you be able to get familiar with?Will we have surprise ones we never would expect like Alumin's ghost,or the nuns? O_O |
Hi Bagool.
Firstly, congratulations on another release and a resounding thank you for developing a project that is so interesting. I found a few bugs with the latest release. Firstly, after giving Ruby a play spanking, the spanking interface bugs out for any future spankings I give. Parts of the graphics are invisible, being added to the screen only after I do something that updates a graphic, like changing implements or baring someone. Furthermore, spankees have unlimited endurance in this state, so that no matter how long I spank, they are unsatisfied in the aftermath. Secondly, Ruby's initial dialogue choice keeps popping up sporadically. (The one that you can say 'sorry' or 'you deserved it' in.) Using it, it's possible to raise Ruby's familiarity above 4, at which point asking for her impressions of you doesn't give any information. Thirdly, if you get taken upstairs by the Innkeeper, you can immediately leave her room. Going downstairs, the Innkeeper is out of place, and talking to her and re-triggering her to take you upstairs by asking 'impressions' will crash the game. Fourthly, on multiple occasions during a spanking, the spanker says something that makes no sense - saying they're going to bare the spankee while the spankee is already bare, or saying that they're going to switch to the brush while already holding the brush. Finally, the player's butt icon does not update after a spanking. Also, I cannot change from hand to brush while being a spanker, though I can equip the brush through the item screen beforehand. Many thanks once again. |
Hmm, maybe someone could help me out? I'm pretty sure the issues i'm having have been addressed before here, can't recall what page though. First though, you've definitely done so much with this Bagool, it's a long way from what it was way back, and it's really shaping up nicely. But i'm having some problems playing this latest patch.
Okay, so if I try to run the game from the exe file itself, it'll come up just fine, let me pick new game and all that jazz, but then when I get around to picking a gender it says "TypeError undefined is not a function." So, from what I recall this may just be caused by my computer being a hunk-a-junk dinosaur (think it still runs Vista...) but i'm not sure. I think someone posted a couple of ways to fix it in this thread, but neither of them work for me. That being to disable the YEP_CoreEngine plugin using RPG Maker MV which I don't have, or replace that plugin file with an older version of itself, which I can't find. So I tried the other method instead, running the game through a Firefox Browser from that HTML. And it was working, until this update. Now the scenes all seem to play out at a solid...half a frame a second. The only way it even registers me trying to progress through dialogue is by holding the button down so it skips through, but even then it doesn't really help as the game still drags at a super slow pace and I just miss boxes of dialogue at a time. Most likely I think this...is just another case of my computer being too ancient to handle things right, but I wanted to ask anyway. Anyone know anyways I can fix this? |
@Killswitch: I will probably save those humiliation clothes until Iron City. After this demo you won't have access to them again until that place is reached. This is mainly because I have some more details I want to add to those extra punishments that take time to do, and if I do them all right now the first update will never come out. But that isn't to say that you won't see them on another character until then...
@MVegeta: Your first problem should hopefully be fixed with the normal text box showing. I don't think there is a way to automatically start the dialogue without doing major reorganizing, but since you're stuck in the room until you talk to her anyway it should be alright for now. I wanted to add some sort of roadblock to almost every character before you can spank/be spanked by them because it just felt too silly to walk up to a complete stranger and initialize that dialogue. In SQ2 it made some sense because you lived in a town with people you knew. The characters that have familiarity levels are the "main characters" of each town primarily, so for Alumin for example this would include Sabirah (priestess), Jumanah (treasure hunter), and Seth (son of elder). But there will be some special exceptions when I think they can work. @Vividcolor: It seems like you're having a lot of problems, can I ask what version you're using? It will say so in the text file outside the game files but inside the .rar. I ask this because I just opened the game and tried the first few things from your list and they all worked fine. Some of those bugs I never heard of, and I can only guess that it was the result of a prior event messing with the switches/variables and causing subsequent events to F- up. @Skull: I don't really know how to address the problem you're having. I just ran it In firefox as well and it ran fine, if not better than normal. I really think you're problem might just be how underpowered your computer is. I'm running a lot of extra features that most RPGmaker games wouldn't have, so that is the most likely cause. ------------------------------------------------------------- EDIT I'd like to add a link to a poll I made for two new implements I'm adding to the game: https://www.patreon.com/posts/poll-1-new-12248047 |
Yay, 100 pages :)
As always, thank you for your fantastic work, Bagool!
So, I tried latest demo version, and here are some things I found (version 0.0471): 1) After getting fun spanking from innkeeper, she walks out and disappeares from the inn, 2) After I funspanked Innkeeper, any further spankings result in only left part of spanking interface to show. If I choose Spank option, weird things happen. 3) When getting punished by Innkeeper for not paying for the room, if PC has no underwear, Innkeeper still tries to remove it, resulting in textbox message "error". Same when spanked by Ruby. 4) Sometimes PC's thoughts after giving spankings are as if they were the one who was spanked (but maybe I just misunderstood them). PS: Should I report for misprints, or they are not important right now? PSS: And yeah, congrats on reaching 100 pages! :D |
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