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The Robot and The Lioness (for Yhorm the Spanker)
Mettaton was, in a word, grumpy. Alphys and Undyne had left for a vacation together, leaving a lioness named Akilah to babysit him. Needless to say Mettaton was not happy. He was a grown-up for crying out loud! AND a star! He didn't need a babysitter! Nevertheless, he didn't think she could do much of anything anyway, so he just plopped himself in front of the television and put on something, ignoring the list of weekly chores Alphys gave him to do while he was away.
Akilah was a bit late to Undyne's house, as she had to deal with her own children first. She was only five or six minutes late, so she figured it was fine. She took the spare key from under a bush and opened the door, looking around for her charge. "Mettaton! You here?"
Mettaton heard the door open, and groaned. So she was here already...he kept silent, not wanting to have any interaction with her at the moment and still being quite unhappy as he watched tv.
Akilah set her bag down and walked into the living room, Her hands on her hips. "Mettaton? It's rude to ignore people."
Mettaton looked up at her poutily. "Well, it's also rude for those two to think I need a babysitter." He crossed his arms and looked away.
Akilah sighed and sat beside Mettaton, placing a hand (paw?) on his leg. "I'm sure it's not to demean you. I'm only hear to keep you from being lonely, and to make sure you stay safe." She smiled warmly and patted his shoulder before standing again. "Now, what would you like for dinner?
(Paw-hands XD)
Well, the broad didn't SEEM harmful. In fact she reminded him of someone Alphys hung out with...Tori or something? Looking slightly less grumpy Mettaton looked down. "Um...I don't know..." |
"Well, you can think about it while you clean the house." Akilah took the remote and switched the TV off, still smiling. "Alphys told me that you had a few chores to do. Go ahead and get started, then you can watch TV."
Nevermind, she was definitely NOT like Alphys' friend. He knew that she wouldn't make him do chores if he didn't want to. "I can do them later." He reached for the remote back.
The taller woman held the remote out of Mettaton's reach and raised an eyebrow at the robot. "No, you need to do your chores now, so you can play around later. Does steak sound good?"
Curse this woman for somehow being taller than him! Gritting his teeth in annoyance he crossed his arms. "Steak is fine, but I SAID I can do the stupid chores later! I just want to watch tv!"
"Don't yell at me, Metta. Last chance, go clean up." Akilah crossed her arms and tapped her paw-feet on the floor, waiting for the bot to obey.
Mettaton was in full tantrum mode now, stomping a foot and yelling, "No! You can't tell me what to do! You're not my mom!" Before plopping himself on the couch and crossing his arms in defiance.
(Don't forget the other rp's we have ;w; ) |
Akilah was shocked by this behavior from someone who claimed they didn't need a babysitter. "Oh, I see. You must be sick!" The lioness smiled before going into the kitchen and finding her bag. "Don't worry, I've got the best medicine for you."
Mettaton looked confused at her, staying where he was on the couch and growing worried about what she was getting. Oh God, he hoped it wasn't Castor Oil...
(wink wink~ another thing she could do) |
(I'll save that for when he swears)
Akilah came back with a plastic hairbrush in her paw-hand and sat beside Mettaton, grabbing his forearm and dragging the robot over her lap. "The cure for bratty behavior is a hard spanking!" |
Without time to react or get away, Mettaton was dragged into the familiar position, ass up and ready for spanking. "Ah! No! Y-You can't do this! Y-You're not th-the boss of me!" He tried to act tough, but in reality he was terrified of the lioness and her brush of doom. |
Akilah held the bot down effortlessly and tapped the brush against his bottom a few times before smacking it down in quick succession. She moved all over each cheek, covering the entirety of his bottom in swats.
Mettaton whimpered as the brush was tapped on his bottom, and immediately started to yelp and squirm over her lap when she started to spank him. "Ow! Ow! Stop! Stop it! Y-you can't-OWwww!"
"I can, and I am." Akilah said as the brush rained down hard smacks on Mettaton's ass. After a few minutes of this, she hooked a claw in his pants and tugged them down to his knees, preparing to continue the punishment.
As the brush continued its painful assault on Mettaton's poor bottom, the star continued his protests and soon began slightly crying. Tears forming in the corners of his eyes, he felt Akilah start to pull his pants down and reached a hand back to try and pull then back up. "N-no! Leave those up, pleeease!!!!"
(don't forget the PM rp~! And the other forum rp~) |
(I never got a notification on the pm one.)
Akilah quickly twisted Mettaton's arm behind his back and tugged the pants all the way down to his knees, revealing whatever form of underwear he was wearing. After the pants were sufficiently lowered, the lioness resumed the smacking. "Are you learning your lesson, Mettaton?" |
(ok I'll resend it~!)
Mettaton blushed as his red, lacy panties were revealed, and let a few tears leak out as the babysitter resumed the horrid punishment. "Y-Yes! Yes!" He yelled if only to make her stop. |
Akilah smiled and nodded, setting the brush down on the small of Metta's back. Her large paw-hand was big enough to cover most of his ass, and she gave it a few pats and a squeeze. "Here's the deal: I'm going to spank you with just my hand now. If the brush falls off of your back because you're moving too much, I'll go right back to using it." She paused and took the legholes of the panties in her hand and yanked upwards, still smiling. "Oh wow, I love these panties! Where'd you get them?"
Mettaton blushed and moaned quietly at his ass being squeezed and patted, but focused on her words until she suddenly yanked on his underwear. "ACK!" He would've been sensual, if he wasn't getting his ass roasted. "U-Um...I..I don't remember..." This was slightly off-putting, and the star wondered what she was planning other than what she already said as he squirmed his legs a little bit.
"Well, that's a shame." She scoffed before letting them snap back into place. Akilah spent a moment squeezing and massaging Mettaton's butt, admiring it's beauty. Her large paw gave him a few taps before resuming the spanking. Her massive hand fell swiftly, seemingly even stronger than the brush! "You've been a naughty little bot, haven't you?" She asked while she spanked him.
Mettaton let out a squeak when his panties were snapped back, and moaned a bit more at the nice feeling of his ass being massaged. So when she resumed his spanking, he was taken by surprise how powerful her paw was and how much it hurt, almost immediately starting to squirm and wriggle, before remembering the deal and hoping the brush didn't fall yet, he stilled himself the best he could. "P-Pleeease! Please stop! N-no more!!!" He pleaded.
"That wasn't my question." Akilah responded, aiming for his sitspots now. Her palm was seemingly made of some type of spank-material. It was faster and stronger than Mettaton could've possibly imagined. It was even worse than Undyne's paddle!
Mettaton started to sob now, ready to agree to anything to make her stop. "Y-yeees!" He shouted as he squirmed and kicked, trying his hardest to keep still enough. He wasn't able to know when or if the brush fell, too concentrated on the pain in his ass and keeping somewhat still.
Miraculously, the brush had only done as much as wobble throughout the hard spanking. Akilah nodded at his response and hooked her thumb in his panties, tugging them just below the undercurve of his ass. "Now, this is the last part. I'm going to spank you really hard, and after that you will stand in the corner for ten minutes, then I will spank you again. Do you understand?"
Mettaton was near bawling by the time she stopped, tears flowing down his face and sniffling up a storm. He nodded that he understood, knowing he probably wouldn't be able to keep very still during this part.
Akilah nodded and released hellfire on Mettaton's poor ass. Each smack was like a crack of thunder, and they came in a constant stream. Her arm was like a machine, cracking down again and again on the naughty bot.
Mettaton was bawling by the the first swat, kicking and wriggling everywhere trying to escape. He didn't care anymore, he just wanted this to end.
After a minute or so, Akilah pulled Mettaton's pants and panties completely off and stood him up, walking him to the corner of the room. "If you rub, we're starting all over." She warned before walking into the kitchen.
Mettaton blushed as his garments were pulled off, and did not struggle as he was led to the corner, nodding at her warning. He kept his hands in front of him, sometimes rubbing at his eyes, other times just trying to keep them from rubbing his poor ass. His feet were another story, doing a 'spank shuffle' in place as he stood and sobbed.
The delicious smell of steak flowed into the living room after a few minutes. Akilah came around the Mettaton and lead him back to the couch, sitting down and placing the robot over her knee. "Now, I said I would spank you again, so I will. But, if you're a good boy throughout this short spanking, I'll put some cream on your bottom, and you can have an hour to relax before doing your chores. Is that fair?"
(I love the "Just Spanked" dance!) |
(Me too~! XD)
Mettaton smelled the scent of steak, and his stomach actually growled a bit before Akilah came back. He sniffled as she led him back to the couch and put him over his knee, nodding that it was fair. (I am about to be very evil~ >:3) |
Akilah wanted to get the spanking over with, and immediately started smacking away. She focused mainly on his sitspots and upper thighs, though she didn't have to move her hand around as much because of its size.
"FUCK!" Mettaton couldn't stop himself from swearing as Akilah started to spank his sensitive areas, and after a break it only made it worse. He kicked and wriggled, hoping Akilah had gone deaf when he blurted that out.
(Do I need to resend the pm rp response? XD) |
Akilah paused and looked down at Mettaton and shook her head. She was a pretty tolerant cat, but swearing was something she found unacceptable. Her swats at least doubled in quickness and power, enough so the push the robot forward a bit with each agonizing slap. "Watch your mouth, Metta."
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