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A New UnLife (for Komuro)
There were a lit of alleys and dark roads in this little village, a thousand places for a sneaky little urchin to hide. This village wasn't particularly rural but it was definitely a decent ways out of the main part of the city, a suburb, if you will. It was a necessary stop on the way in and out of the city, a main thoroughfare, making it an ideal place for vendors, tourist attractions and pickpockets. Moe was one such pickpocket, she was currently hiding in an alcove watching, waiting, for a perfect sucker.
The locals were far too clever to come down areas like this at this time of night, they knew nothing good was brewing, but occasionally a tourist or someone who'd had a bit too much sake would wonder by, asking someone to lift their wallets. The moon was high in the sky but it was only a sliver of its full size, everything was bathed in darkness. Darkness, a thief's best friend, their only confidant and partner. She perked up as someone entered the area, they looked ripe for the picking, dressed rather nicely, probably some businessman on his way to the city, maybe he was lost, maybe he was looking for some shady business back here, the kind that would sell drugs or sex, he obviously was not in the right place for him but was in exactly the place she needed him to be. The stranger was walking toward her but she simply ducked behind the trashcan that was suppose to be taking up residence in this spot and waited patiently for him to pass, she would just dart past and take it right off him, no sweat. As he walked, the fabric of his clothes revealed the outline of his wallet, settled there 'safely' in his right pocket. She slithered out from behind the refuse collector silently, her legs tensed, she flexed her fingers and then she was off, slow at first, so as not to have loud footsteps. Then she sped up and before long the little girl was running at full speed, her nimble fingers slipped effortlessly into his pocket, grasping at a billfold. If all went well, she'd have it in hand and around the corner before he could say a word, Moe was a short wisp of a child and would find somewhere to lose him in no time, she was going to eat good tonight. Her mouth watered at the thought, she hadn't really eaten well in a week or so, not since she'd snatched from the last big fish that lost their way down in her domain. As a kid, she didn't have much of a sense of 'saving', whenever she got a large sum of money she lived great for a couple of days before it ran out and then back to basics. Not that the life of a street rat was conducive to putting money away for later, you didn't want to get caught with a bunch of cash by a cop, or even worse, another street person. |
Takashi Kusanagi, or at least that’s his current name. He had used many names in his three hundred years of being a vampire. He wore a black long jacket with a tanto concealed within. The rest of his outfit was a blood red undershirt with black long jeans and matching shoes. The moment he set foot into the alley, he starting sensing someone who was stalking him. A child…? He made no sign of catching onto her until the very last moment; she tries to slip her hand into his jacket pocket. He swiftly snatches her hand up. He pulls her in front of him so he could get at good look at her. Scruffy and dirty and miserable… orphans never change over the years, aside from the clothing they wear. He sighs deeply “You’re lucky I have a soft spot for orphans like you. Any other jerk would have beaten you senseless.” He said.
OOC: Hope my post size is sufficient. |
(it seems ok, it just took me a bit to set the scene in the first one)
The strangers hand moved faster than even her trained eyes could follow, grabbing her wrist effortlessly. She flinched, trying to jerk her arm free but it was no use, he was unbelievably strong. With how lightly he seemed to be gripping it, it ought to have been easy to wriggle free but it wasn't, for some reason she had the feeling he could crush the bones in her thin appendage if he so desired. He looked her up and down with pity in his eyes, taking in her loose grey cargo pants and tattered blue sweater, everything was a bit dirty down to a smudge on her nose. Moe wasn't use to being caught, she was so small and fast that usually nobody knew what hit them, she made eye contact with the man and felt her blood run cold. It was as if her primal instincts knew that she should be running from him even though she didn't consciously know what he was. She overcame the fear the second he finished speaking, not because she trying to be brave but rather because what he'd said had ignited her temper. "Oh yeah, well take this!" Her free hand flew into her own pocket and withdrew a switchblade, the weapon of choice on the streets. With no other option she jabbed at the mysterious man, threatening to slice up the arm which currently restrained her so that she could make a getaway, it wouldn't do to have him taking her to the cops, or worse, child services. |
His inhuman reflexes allowed him to swiftly disarm her, grabbing her wrist and causing just enough discomfort to make her drop the switchblade. He takes another deep sigh, "You know... I was going to offer you some food." he said rather calmly. Now he had both her arms in his grasp she was most assuredly not going anywhere now. "What's your name?" he asked. "If you're willing to calm down I may be able to help."
When he grabbed her other hand as well the urchin knew her goose was cooked. It hadn't registered the first time he'd grabbed her, but this was a tighter, somewhat uncomfortable grip and now she could feel it, his skin was cold as ice. She felt like a mouse staring down a snake when she looked up at him again, though she wasn't sure why besides that fact that he was easily twice her size. When he claimed to have altruistic motives, Moe sneered, when you live on the street it's every-man (or girl) for themselves, no one offered help and actually they were more likely to take what you had. The regular people were no better, they looked at people like her like they were a blight, a pustule on the rump of society, she hadn't survived this long by trusting people, quite the opposite in fact.
"I won't tell you anything." She screeched, redoubling her efforts to pull away, kicking with both feet, dangling by her captured wrists. |
It seemed words weren't going to reach her at this point. So he pulled her closer to him, knelt down on one knee and bent her over it. He kept her pinned with his left arm"Seems you leave me no choice. If words wont make you see reason... then perhaps my hand will!" he said he raised a firm hand and starts assaulting her backside with a barrage of spanks, even though she wore cargo pants it did little to impede the strength of his strikes, he alternated between cheeks with the occasional strike between.
He moved suddenly, she flinched, fearing she would be struck but he simply knelt down. 'That's strange' Moe thought, moments before she was flipped over his knee. A gasp was wrenched from her lips at the first impact of his hand to her bottom, she was in complete disbelief.
"What are you doing?" She didn't give him a chance to say anything before continuing to shout. "STOP!" The smacks stung something fierce, she kicked and wriggled but it didn't accomplish any more than her earlier struggles against him had. Moe hadn't been spanked before, no one to do that out on the streets and in the orphanage before that no one had cared enough. "See if I c-care, I'm not some b-baby." She crossed her arms in front of her at an awkward angle just to make her point, managing to get out her assertion with only a minor tremble in her voice. In truth, she desperately wanted him to give up because she almost couldn't take anymore quietly, it was starting to get really hot. Every new impact felt like a red hot frying pan being applied to her seat. |
"I'm giving you a good old fashion spanking and one you won't soon forget." he responded to her question. Her demand for him to stop fell on deaf ears. Despite her best attempt at acting tough he could easily tell in her voice that the spanking was affecting her and even if not now, what was to come sure will. After about half a minute or so, he pauses then reaches for the belt to her pants. "I think it's time these come down now." he said as he then pulled them all way down to her feet. With her rear now only covered by her undergarments he resumes his merciless assault on it. The smacks now sound more painful than before.
His hand felt like it was made of granite, when he simply brushed off her protests she felt tears prick at the corner of her eyes. When he reached for her belt and took down her pants her breath caught in her throat for a moment out of fear. "What do you waaant?!" The first smack on her less protected rear elicited a sharp cry. Every swat brought forth a squeak, squeal or other sound of distress. It wasn't long before the tears were flowing freely and her chest began to heave with sobs. Briefly she renewed her resistance out of desperation, arms flailing, hitting anything she could reach, but also burning out fairly quickly.
Moe rubbed at her eyes, tear-stained face glistening in the moonlight, her butt radiating heat into the night. She was certainly regretting trying to pickpocket this particular stranger. |
And there, as he expected, the flood gates opened and the poor girl was reduced to a sobbing mess. She cries out what he wanted and after a round, he stops. "I want you to be a good girl and let me help you, no more resistance, understood?" he asked, rubbing her burning red backside.
Once she acknowledged him he helps her up off his lap then pulls her pants back up. Still on one knee, he pulls her into a warm loving hug. "There, there little one everything will be alright." he cooed. |
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