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Blazecraft July 9th, 2016 02:42 PM

Domestic Discipline of The Sexy Robot-with SpankerofOmens
Mettaton had been with Papyrus for over a year now, and it was hard to tell who was the more dominant of the two. Papyrus was definitely more innocent, but Mettaton was childish in his own way. He loved to get "under Papy's skin" (pun very much intended) but he never tried actually annoying the skeleton to the brink of insanity. So, when Papy came home from training with Undyne, he decided to put his plan into action.

"Papyrus? Why are chairs so generous?" He asked with a false air of pure intentions.

Dungeon July 9th, 2016 03:50 PM

Papyrus enjoyed many things. Spaghetti, Training, Puzzles, Capturing humans, Just to name a few. However, what he enjoyed most was spending time with his lover, Mettaton. He always looked forward to their time together, so much so that he cut down his training to 3 days a week. When today's training session ended, he hurried home, greeted by a seemingly innocent question from Mettaton.

"OH! Is this a puzzle!?" Papyrus put on a face of DETERMINATION, focusing hard on the question. His brain rocked itself in attempts to answer the riddle.

Blazecraft July 9th, 2016 04:01 PM

Mettaton chuckled to himself as he saw how adorable Papy was, racking his brain...skull...thing for the answer. After a few seconds Mettaton couldn't wait any longer, and through his laughter he replied, "Because they started...CHAIR-ity!" He then put a hand over his mouth to stifle his laughter as he waited for Papy's reaction.

Dungeon July 9th, 2016 04:05 PM

Papyrus' face went blank at the answer. His skeleton equivalent of a mouth trembled to hold back a chuckle, but he almost immediately fought the laughter down. He crossed his arms, shaking his head at Mettaton. "You've been hanging around Sans again, haven't you?"

Blazecraft July 9th, 2016 04:34 PM

Mettaton had definitely been hanging around Sans, and he couldn't help but add another pun to the mix. "Oh, come on, Papy. It's just a little pun...CHAIR up!" he laughed again.

Dungeon July 9th, 2016 04:38 PM

Papyrus chuckled, quickly transitioning to a cough as to not encourage this madness. The skeleton sighed, flopping down beside Mettaton and smiling softly. "Great. Now I've got two Sanses to deal with."

Blazecraft July 9th, 2016 05:27 PM

Metta lied down, his head on one of Papy's femurs as he continued to snicker. "Yes, it's become a daily ROTINI hasn't it?"

Dungeon July 11th, 2016 04:34 AM

"AGHHH!" Papyrus screamed in frustration, covering his temples with his mitts. "How could you possibly tolerate Sans long enough for him to corrupt you like this!?" The skeleton half asked/half complained.

Blazecraft July 11th, 2016 04:38 AM

Mettaton howled with laughter, intent on driving him insane this time. "Oh come on, Papy dear! I'm only trying TIBIA good comedian! Aren't I just HUMERUS?"

Dungeon July 11th, 2016 03:30 PM

"ENOUGH!" Papyrus flipped his lover onto his stomach, readjusting him so that Mettaton's bottom was in range of his arm. "I, the GREAT PAPYRUS, should not have to be subjected to such torture in my own home! Metta, you know I love you, but I won't tolerate any more annoyance!"

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