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Blazecraft July 31st, 2016 05:17 PM

The Robot and The Lioness (for Yhorm the Spanker)
Mettaton was, in a word, grumpy. Alphys and Undyne had left for a vacation together, leaving a lioness named Akilah to babysit him. Needless to say Mettaton was not happy. He was a grown-up for crying out loud! AND a star! He didn't need a babysitter! Nevertheless, he didn't think she could do much of anything anyway, so he just plopped himself in front of the television and put on something, ignoring the list of weekly chores Alphys gave him to do while he was away.

Dungeon July 31st, 2016 06:40 PM

Akilah was a bit late to Undyne's house, as she had to deal with her own children first. She was only five or six minutes late, so she figured it was fine. She took the spare key from under a bush and opened the door, looking around for her charge. "Mettaton! You here?"

Blazecraft July 31st, 2016 06:42 PM

Mettaton heard the door open, and groaned. So she was here already...he kept silent, not wanting to have any interaction with her at the moment and still being quite unhappy as he watched tv.

Dungeon July 31st, 2016 07:00 PM

Akilah set her bag down and walked into the living room, Her hands on her hips. "Mettaton? It's rude to ignore people."

Blazecraft July 31st, 2016 07:14 PM

Mettaton looked up at her poutily. "Well, it's also rude for those two to think I need a babysitter." He crossed his arms and looked away.

Dungeon July 31st, 2016 07:18 PM

Akilah sighed and sat beside Mettaton, placing a hand (paw?) on his leg. "I'm sure it's not to demean you. I'm only hear to keep you from being lonely, and to make sure you stay safe." She smiled warmly and patted his shoulder before standing again. "Now, what would you like for dinner?

Blazecraft July 31st, 2016 07:22 PM

(Paw-hands XD)

Well, the broad didn't SEEM harmful. In fact she reminded him of someone Alphys hung out with...Tori or something? Looking slightly less grumpy Mettaton looked down. "Um...I don't know..."

Dungeon July 31st, 2016 07:25 PM

"Well, you can think about it while you clean the house." Akilah took the remote and switched the TV off, still smiling. "Alphys told me that you had a few chores to do. Go ahead and get started, then you can watch TV."

Blazecraft July 31st, 2016 07:33 PM

Nevermind, she was definitely NOT like Alphys' friend. He knew that she wouldn't make him do chores if he didn't want to. "I can do them later." He reached for the remote back.

Dungeon July 31st, 2016 07:40 PM

The taller woman held the remote out of Mettaton's reach and raised an eyebrow at the robot. "No, you need to do your chores now, so you can play around later. Does steak sound good?"

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