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The Demon in the Book (for La Fay)
This is a world of magic. One doesn't need to work with magic to know this; it is a fact of life. All sorts of strange magical artifacts lie in wait for someone with the skill and the will to claim them. The particular artifact now in possession of the great sorceress Aurora Fae, however, is not like most of them, in that it did not originate in this world. Bound in wood and leather (made from what is probably a question best left unanswered) and wrapped in chains, this heavy, black tome contains the essence of a demoness whom it introduces as Khuldia the Fallen. Its yellowed pages lay out, in shifting letters that rearrange themselves into whatever language the reader understands best, the demon's story... and the means by which she can be summoned forth.
The tome describes a powerful demon lord, one of the most ambitious ever spawned by the primordial darkness of the Abyss, who raised a palace of blood and bones upon a gloomy, blasted plain, rallied an army of lesser demons to her burning battle-standard, and set out to crush her fellow demon lords underfoot, claiming their souls and territory. For a time, all she faced was swept aside before her, and her power waxed and swelled with each new conquest. Sadly, much like in this world, growing in power too quickly attracts enemies, and nowhere is that more true than the ruthlessly Darwinian hellscape that is the Abyss. Khuldia was defeated by the forces of the mighty Queen Sraathai, but as she lay broken before her enemy, the Queen decided that merely consuming Khuldia's soul was too easy an end for such an irritant. Instead, her own form of damnation was her punishment, a cruel mockery she would suffer forevermore. A curse was placed upon Khuldia, her spiritual essence bound to this very grimoire, and she was cast to the planes. The tome would be a thing unmoored from space and time, adrift on the astral winds until such a time as a mortal with sufficient will could find it and perform the summoning ritual described within. When this is done, it explains, Khuldia will appear before the summoner, bound as their personal slave for the rest of their life. Khuldia cannot harm the summoner in any way, nor can she bring her powers to bear unless commanded to do so. When the life of one summoner ends, Khuldia is drawn back into the book to ride the astral tides once more until another can be found. This degrading cycle has perpetuated itself for ages, and will continue until time itself grinds to a halt, unless one such master voluntarily releases her. Therein lies the rub of it; why would anyone do such a thing when they can have their own demon slave without any consequences? And so Khuldia lies inside, her essence lying dormant in her prison pocket-plane within the black tome, as she awaits her next binding. She cannot say when it will come, or who she will serve next, or how, but the binding will come. It always does... |
The sorceress Aurora Fae is not your run of the mill sorceress, though many claim the title, they know little about the arts of magic and only have perhaps a small talent in a single art of the craft or possibly know of some herbal remedies that they believe work but actually done. No, to such people Aurora stands out far beyond them, as a raging waterfall dose to a small forest stream.
Though she is not the strongest or oldest of the magic users by far, she is perhaps the only one who offers her services to the realms and the four great kingdoms of Xarja, Livadhezë, Kakunja and Scoza. Offering her aid as both Diplomat and emissary between the four great kingdoms of man, and those of the magical races that share the world with them. Many know of the great sorceress for many reasons, the smallest being that she has protection offered by the four kingdoms that keep those from the mundane side of things, those of the religious sort, from trying to capture her and burn her at the stake for witchcraft, not that they could, it merely acts as a deterrent to keep them from acting and being slaughtered as a result. Others know her for the services she provides the realms in return for their protection, the mass healings during past plagues, the healing potions for those who fall in in other times, the many farms that have been blessed by her and tripled their crops, the armour and weapons she enchants for the kingdoms armies, the monsters she kills that reap havoc on the smaller villages. But the largest reason she is both known and feared for is the battles she has fought against the Crone Lilith, the last of which was seven years ago and that at the conclusion of the battle that raged seven days and nights, the large expanse of destroyed wasteland was named Xarf crevice, and the maps were redrawn for the drastic change in the landscape, it was for this reason that none dared to oppose the sorceress, less she crush them like an ant beneath her heel. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- In the warded basement of her home, the powerful sorceress stood as she prepared her latest ritual. Her long midnight black hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall stopping just past her shoulder blades, her pale skin and steel grey eyes highlighted by the candles placed in the pitch blackness of the dark underground room. She wore a set of grey robes and a lightly-tanned dress underneath them, the sleeves of her robes reaching down to her wrists and hung loosely over the large black tomb she held in her hand. In front of her was a large intricately designed circle with three layers painted on the ground in the crimson of her own blood for the protection and bindings she would need for what she was about to attempt. Aurora considered herself a grey sorceress, one who dabbled in all but the darkest of the magical arts, she was by no means evil in her own eyes, as while many of her own, lighter magi, would condemn her for what she studied. Although she and the magic of nature saw it differently, as magic at its core is not black or white, but grey and it is only the intent for what it is used that makes it good or evil. After all, even the darkest of magic, bar a few, can be used for the right reasons, and this was what she was doing now. The circles painted in her own blood in front of her were meant to contain and bind what she was about to summon so that she might ensure that the writings in the tomb were correct and she would not instantly be attacked by what she was about to call forth, the demoness Khuldia the fallen. Now this was by no means the first dark being Aurora had summoned and bound to her service, the sorceress had several others, though she rarely had to use them, although they were all lesser beings, whose minds were not more complex than savage beasts that could barely respond with anything less than savage snarls and roars of anger and rage. But Aurora was being cautious for a reason, if what she had read in the book told true about Khuldia, she was by far stronger than anything she had tried to summon and bind to her will and service before this day, even if what the tomb said was true and Khuldia would be unable to harm her once summoned, she took no chances and intended to ascertain such facts for herself from behind the safety of the most powerful binding circle she had for her kind. Opening the tomb Aurora once more began to read through it silently until she came to the passage that had the summoning incantation to summon the demoness forth from her imprisonment. With a steadfast gaze aurora kept her eyes on the passage as she knelt down and took up her staff that lay at her feet, it was six feet long, made of a dark wood, and had a golden serpent wrapped up its length stopping just passed its middle point, at its tipped encased in wood was a blue moon quartz crystal that shimmered in the candlelight. Taking the long staff in her left hand the crystal shimmered and began to glow with her power as she rose, the tomb in her right as she pointed the end of the staff towards the centre of the binding circle as the began the incantation, the candles in the room flared up by five inches eliminating the room as the magical power flowed from her and her words as they echoed in the magically warded room as the summoning began. |
In the void, she felt the stirring. It was always the same.
Lines of force arced and rippled like lightning across the unformed chaos-stuff that made up her essence in this dark, empty place. She could feel the will of the latest summoner, flowing through her like blood through one's veins, invading the core of her being. The curse responded, as obedient as ever, and she felt her powers being sealed, one by one. Her consciousness began to awaken from its dreamless torpor, suffused and chained with magic and will. In the void, the gate opened. It was always the same. In an instant, a doorway of pure, blinding light spread open before the demonic presence, like a gaping wound in the walls of this pseudo-reality. Whips of searing flame emerged, wrapping themselves around the thinking mass and hauling it, like livestock, toward the gate. In the realm of light, the demon emerged. It was always the same. In the physical realm, the book began to glow, and with a sound like the tearing of a thousand bedsheets at once and the roar of rushing magical energies, the other end of the wound in reality opened in the center of the warded binding circle. Out fell something foul and black, billowing and cascading like acrid smoke, which began to coalesce at one specific point. From this mass of roiling darkness, a humanoid figure emerged. The demoness was tall, with plum-purple skin and wild, unkempt, white hair that trailed all the way down to the middle of her back. Her dark flesh was free of even the slightest flaw or blemish. Eyes with black sclera and red irises regarded the physical realm around her, and her sapphire-blue lips curved in apparent disdain. A pair of prominent black horns emerged from her forehead, bending back with the curvature of her skull until their points are aimed directly behind her. A thin, whip-like tail sprouted from just above her backside, swaying side to side in agitation. Speaking of her body, she was completely nude, save for a golden collar and matching shackles... which, from the looks of them, did not have a seam or a way to unlock them, as if they were smithed onto her very flesh. (All of them helpfully possessed D-rings onto which rope or other restraints can be attached, however.) She had a powerful, athletic build, and was possessed of a pair of luscious breasts, a full, juicy, spankable bottom, and a tight, hairless sex. "I am called forth to serve once more. It is always the same," she speaks in a hollow voice that seems to echo for miles. "I would know the name of my Mistress..." |
Aurora stood for a moment as she took in the appearance of the demoness that she had summoned, as soon as she had appeared the magical bindings in the circle beneath her feet had snapped up and into place Aurora was positive that no matter what the demoness did at this moment in time she would not be able to leave that circle under her own power.
Aurora let her eyes trail over the demoness form and was remarkably impressed, at thirty eight years old Aurora's body didn't look a day older than twenty five, nor did her face, a side effect of being a sorceress, her magic kept her from aging. But the demoness's body was a sight for ever her as it was as near perfect as she had ever seen and she had seen plenty including her own. She felt her mouth water at the sight of her but restrained herself as the raised her Occulmeny barriers (mind magic) to keep her emotions in check and to keep her lust off her face and out of her tone as she spoke. "My name demon," Aurora spoke with strength and power in her own voice as she responded, "is sorceress Aurora Fae, high sorceress of the realms of Xarja, Livadhezë, Kakunja and Scoza, and emissary for the kingdoms of man and the Unseelie courts" |
Khuldia's eyelids slid to a close when she heard her name. "Aurora Fae," she repeated to herself in a whisper as she felt the name sear itself onto her very being like a hot brand. She then slowly approached the edge of the circle, looking almost amused as she finds the wards holding her back. "Mmm... clearly I haven't been discovered by some pathetic hedge wizard... this time. These wards are potent." She smirked and ran her clawlike fingers over the invisible curtain of force preventing her from leaving the binding circle as she began to saunter around the inside face of the circle, idly probing it for weak spots. "But was it your wisdom that led you to draw them, or your fear?"
In truth, she knew full well that the wards were largely unnecessary. Aurora was clearly approaching it as someone summoning a lesser demon would. But she was no stupid predator plucked from the oozing darkness, and the means of her arrival was no ordinary summoning. The book's claims about the restrictions on her powers were true, but she wasn't about to tell her that. So long as her mistress does not command her to tell the truth, she is still free to lie, and the demoness rather enjoyed toying with her summoners if she could get away with it. "Very well, Sorceress Aurora Fae, high sorceress of the realms of Xarja, Livadhezë, Kakunja and Scoza, and emissary for the kingdoms of man and the Unseelie courts," she repeats perfectly as she returns to the center of the circle. "What would you ask of Khuldia?" |
Aurora narrowed her eyes on the demoness at the comment, “Out of experience demon, that is why I drew the wards, you are not the first of your kind I have summoned to my service, and I have learned from experience to not trust facts unless they have been confirmed with my own senses, the tomb tells of your powers being bound, I would be a fool to simply believe it and summon a being of your nature into my home without making sure you were properly contained, the wards that now hold you restrict all physical forms within them as well as all magical energies and forces that are both physical and magical, you cannot leave the circle nor can any energies that you may conjure to attack me, do not think me some conjuror of cheep tricks,” she stated as Huber eyes glowed a bright silver, the flames on the candles roared into large pillars of flames and the basement shook with her magical pressure as the very air turned oil thick for several seconds before it slowly faded as Aurora closed the tomb with a loud bang, “I could see that the torments you have suffered in the past be made into pleasant memories under my control” she said darkly before setting the butt of her staff on the ground, “As for why I have summoned you, I would have thought that obvious, I mean to bind you to my service, as a slave and aid to my work, even I need assistance with my tasks my duties to the kingdoms and all villages within their realms are many, to many for one woman to do alone, I would think serving myself would prove preferable to being sealed inside your tomb, or am I wrong?”
Khuldia remained very still as she chose to flaunt her power, her eyes narrowing a bit when the candles flare up. When her question was finally answered, she merely sighed. "My preferences are of no consequence here. The door has been opened, the seals broken. Even if I found the void preferable to servitude, I am nevertheless bound to your will until the candle-flame of your mortal life snuffs out. Of course, my use to you is somewhat limited while I remain in this circle..." She began dragging her claws against the wall of force separating them, though not with any more effort than a cat playing with a piece of string.
Aurora let a small smile grace her lips on of hidden amusement, “very true,” she said and with a double tap of her staff’s butt on the ground caused the wards to fall, “I merely wished to demonstrate that it would be unwise for you to misjudged my power, those you have served in the past are nowhere near my level of skill, Andy I thought it would be best if we got off on the right foot seeing as you are now bound to my life, as fleeting as four hundred years will be for on of your kind, it is not for myself”
With another tap of her staff the basement lit up no longer in darkness as candle light filled the room, “now as much as your form is pleasing to the eye you represent myself and you will dress as such in public” she stated and with a wave of her hand black silk robes appeared over the demoness’s form along with black silk pants and sandals, “there much better” |
The demoness nodded. "Yes, quite a few of you mortals began our relationship in exactly that way. And I can certainly understand the reasoning behind it." She offered a toothy smile, seemingly curious and amused all at once at her mistress's willingness to flaunt her power. "And you're certainly an interesting mortal, indeed... very well, Mistress Aurora. How may I serve?"
When the clothes appeared on her body, she chuckled in renewed amusement and took a moment to examine her new coverings. "Hmm... this fabric feels lovely on my skin, Mistress. Only a few of my former masters have seen fit to give me such fine garments. Most dress me in whatever they have lying about. A few in potato sacks and the like. Or they just keep me naked forever..." She plucks some of the fabric between her thumb and foreclaw and rubs them together, as if exploring the tactile sensation of the silk. |
Aurora nodded in understanding, "And you have yet to see even a fraction of what I am truly capable of," she stated and smiled, "well as much as seeing your naked form it appealing, such things would only distract from my duties, which are many" she stated before turning and the ground in front of her started to rise as steps formed up and the ceiling parted, "follow" she commanded and started up the steps.
walking out as the ceiling opened Aurora stepped out into a large library filled with tall shelves, each with countless tombs in them and many emanating magical energy demonstrating their worth, several tall windows with rippling glass let light into the room showing the egg shell painted walls, the red wood flooring and the green rug with a large table sat on with a number of old warn tombs, next to new parchments with an ink pot and quill, that was writing away on the parchment by itself as it copied down some of the near faded text from the tombs to preserve their knowledge. |
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