"Right this way Mister Blake." A butler spoke evenly as he opened the front door, allowing the police man to enter the vast manor. As Susan descended the stairs, a familiar man stood before her, and her blue eyes slowly lit up. It had been five long years...but she still missed him, even if she hadn't said anything until then. The little blond smiled shyly, her little pup in her arms beginning to growl and bark at the strange man.
"Hush, Versace. This is...." Daddy. She hadn't used such a word in what felt like years. She didn't even call James such. "Um..hi daddy." She set the pup down to hesitantly embrace her father, though she was elated to see him. After all the tragedy, she needed him more than ever. Letting go, the nine year old watched as her maids began to place her belongings in her father's car. She was always a very independent little princess, but she did get a little too comfortable being waited on hand and foot.
"Guess we should get going." She said softly, following her daddy towards his car as her puppy followed close behind. She wondered what kind of a home she'd have now...it would be nothing like her old one.