Aurora smiled and nodded at the statement about the forest, "to many the forest is just that, but given the fact that it sits on one of the largest Ley lines of magical energy, it makes the soil rather rich and fertile thus why the trees here grow taller and thicker than anywhere else in the kingdoms, and you will find much more plant and wild life in this forest than in others" she stated with a smirk, "it's also why I have my home here, the Ley line makes for a virtual reservoir of untapped natural energy that I can put to any use I want, if you were to put your hand to the ground now and take a moment to feel I'm sure a being such as yourself would feel the thrum of the energy in the land beneath us, with a power-source like that at my fingertips it makes my wards next to impenetrable, and is why I'm known as the guardian and lady of the forest of Eloewyth, I keep those who would seek to use this power for rather disastrous means away, for as long as I am here they wouldn't dare seek to try"
Hearing the comment about the people she scoffed, "It's my duty to see to their demands, do as they ask and give council when requested, I will be sending the potions and nothing more until more is asked of me, I'll likely receive a second missive with the next potion request asking for my council on the source of the nightmares when they haven't stopped by the time the potions run out, then I'll have to see to removing the source, but until then I will just brew the potions and nothing more" she said with a smirk, "though I wouldn't be surprised if one of the other magi in the area takes notice and decided to make her own inquires and fixed the problem before then"
May the Paddle have mercy on your Behind =)