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Old November 4th, 2018, 03:11 AM   #13
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Lucy shrugged her shoulder “I could change the password and send out a memo, but I doubt it would change anything at this point in time” she said bluntly as she got from her spot. Just once she wishes she could have a quiet afternoon “I understand that “principle is important” and all of that garbage, but she isn’t doing anything, and she’ll be gone within an hour’s time. If she chooses to spend her time around people who hate her, then who are we to take this opportunity away from her?”

Her head turns to Adohiro when he calls Slytherin dumb and a loud hiss come from her “I invite you into our space and this is the thanks you return me with? I tried to be civil, but now I’ll have to side with Randir and ask you to leave, and let me tell you something boy, I do not take no for an answer”. A snort comes from her as she rolls her eyes “Jesus, house points? You care about that shit and you’re calling Slytherin stupid? That’s just…sad. Perhaps when you grow up and learn some respect we’ll allow you back here boy, but for now you may exit where you entered or are you such a moron you’ve forgotten where you’ve come from?” she said while a smirk quivers on her black lips
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