As far as demos go, this is a great one. I like how you can keep playing it after you finishing doing everything available to you now, where other demos simply kick you out once you're finished.
While there's not much now there is certainly a lot of potential. Just by exploring what's available to me now, I can see what you have planned for the future. I also checled the library, which is a great addition to not only teach players how to play the game, but about the lore too. Seriously, that book talking about another plane where gods live. If we can't either capture a god or romance one, I'm gonna be seriously disappointed.
The art style took a minute to get used to, but it has its own charm to it. I'm not a fan of the 'bit graphics look, but I like it here.
The actual spanking mechanic of the game is also good. I love how we get to see some booty jiggle as its spanked. I'm hoping different monsters will have different levels of jiggleness. Also, I think they'd benefit from more facial animations. Shifting between 2 or 3 would give them more characteristic and will add to the replayability.
I have high hopes for this game and I know they'll be well placed. Diary of a Slave and its sequel are some of my favorite games, not only on this site, but of all time. For real, when I played Diary of a Slave I was expecting some hot spanking action, not to cry. So my hopes for this game are well placed. Can't wait for more monster girls and the ability to romance some ladies (it looks like the mayor is an option. Score.) but I'm looking most forward to you expanding the world and lore, creating heart felt characters for us to get invested in again like Diary of a Slave.
But mostly butts. In mostly looking forward to more spankable butts.