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Cartoon RPs
Old September 18th, 2018, 09:23 PM   #1
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Smile Cartoon RPs

[Currently mostly looking for RWBY RPs]

Welcome to my RP recruit thread. To avoid spamming the forum with several threads I decided to have one master post that I will update every now and then. I like longer RPs that also have a solid plot. That plot usually features the same basic idea: meaning an older teenager/young adult getting discipline from an older person who has authority (like a mother, an older sister, etc.). This means I love parental discipline themed RPs and that I like my spankees to be characters who have been lacking parental guidance in their life (to name a few examples: Yang from RWBY, Adora and Catra from She-ra, Amethyst from Steven Universe, etc). So: no role-reversal!

If you're interested in roleplaying with me feel free to send me a PM so we can discuss roles, plot, etc. You can read most information in my resume, but if you do have any questions please feel free to send me a PM.
My resume:

And since I was asked a few times now: I don't want anything sexual happening between parent(s) and child(s) or siblings... like... no. Not at all. Couples like Blake/Yang or Adora/Catra? Yeah, sure, why not if it fits the plot. But Kali/Blake or Angella/Glimmer? No!
I do like certain ships, but the main focus on the RPs should be on discipline and spanking. Romance can be a sub-plot and sure, if it fits their personalities they could also discipline each other. But like I said, it shouldn’t be the main plot.

So yeah, here's my current fandom RP list:

2. Kipo
3. The Owl House
4. She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
5. Adventure Time
6. Steven Universe
7. Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra


1. RWBY:

- (kinda non-canon but based on canon; non-romantic/parental discipline; Robyn/Ilia): Ok, so I know that in canon Ilia and Robyn never met (yet)... though we do know that Ilia is from Mantle and considering her parents were miners they were apparently dirt poor and living in the slums. My idea is that instead of joining the White Fang, a young Ilia is found by Robyn who takes her in and decides to raise her. Ilia isn't too happy with living with a human, though everything is better than living on the streets in a Mantle faunus slum. (I really would like to do this one)

- (canon/non-canon; non-romantic/parental discipline; Kali/Yang&Blake): This could be post-canon or an AU. The idea is basically that Yang ends up in Kuo Kuana with Blake and her parents. Yang, who never had a mother of her own (at least not for very long) had to grow up quickly so she could be a mother for her younger sister Ruby. Now that Ruby doesn’t need her anymore she seems to be more reckless, almost as if she was looking for someone who puts her back into her place. So when one day Yang convinces Blake to sneak out, the two teenagers get in a lot of trouble which eventually leads to the parental discipline the blonde had needed for a very long time. Yang and Blake could be in a romantic relationship (I’d actually prefer that) or just friends, I’d say their age is 19.

- (canon/non-canon; non-romantic/parental discipline; Kali/TeamRWBY): Kali is mother of the year and literally every member of the TeamRWBY deserves a caring mother. Especially considering that Weiß' mother is an alcoholic, Summer's dead and Raven is the kind of mother who'd leave her kid in a supermarket. On purpose. I'm not sure of a big plot behind this, basically Kali would 'adopt' all the girls and be the mother they deserve - she's gentle, kind and she took a White Fang member out with a food tray, so she is capable of kicking ass.

- (canon/non-canon; (non-)romantic/general discipline; several ideas summed up): I like to picture the world of RWBY as a world where corporal punishment is quite common and I have several ideas. For example when Yang ran away to find her mother and her uncle protected them - I'm sure Yang was spanked quite harshly for the whole thing. Generally speaking I think all of the girls of team RWBY are familiar with spankings, and misbehaving in class easily means a very sore backside (I'm thinking about the huge food fight they had back in season 2). For this idea I'd like the whole plot to be more canon - or at least 'canon possible'. Like in episode one when Ruby gets scolded by Glynda she actually ends up getting smacked by her. Not sure how I feel about teammate discipline though, but Yang spanking Ruby sounds cute.

- (canon/non-canon; parental discipline; Kali/Ilia and Kali/Blake): somehow canon, somehow totally AU. The idea behind this is that I’d like to have a RP in which Ilia never joined the White Fang and was taken in by the Belladonna family after her parents' death. The young chameleon faunus would still struggle to adjust to her new life in Kuo Kuana (considering that she grew up in Mantle this has to be a huge culture shock). I could see her as someone who’s quite angry and violent in the beginning, but Kali is a great mother who knows exactly how to deal with a young teenager like her. Love and firm discipline being the keywords here.

- (canon/non-canon; non-romantic mentor discipline; Robyn/Marrow): I’d like to play Marrow for this and basically it’s just a what-if story. Marrow defects and joins Robyn Hill’s Happy Huntresses. He needs to get used to a few things first.

- (canon; romantic/general discipline; Robyn/Winter, Robyn/May, Robyn/Fiona): This would work well together with the Marrow idea. Not much to say, just Winter becoming a part of the Happy Huntresses and there are few bad habits – like overworking herself and not considering her own life as important – that need to be smacked out of her.

2. Kipo

- (post-canon; non-romantic/parental discipline; Lio and Song/Kipo): Recently finished Kipo and I really enjoyed the show. I don’t really have a particular scene for this in mind, but I’d really like to play as Kipo and have her as the main spankee. As for her disciplinarians… maybe Song or Lio? Maybe both? I imagine a spanking from either of them would be rather ‘cute’ and the comfort afterwards to be able to melt hearts, haha. I should mention that I prefer aged up characters; I think with only 13 years Kipo is a bit too young for my taste.

3. The Owl House

- (canon; parental-discipline; Eda/Luz): Another cute show, I highly recommend it. For this show I think Luz would make a great spankee, she can be such a brat and while Eda doesn’t actually scream ‘authority’ (as we know she’s actually the exact opposite of authority), I think she wouldn’t hesitate to give her human apprentice a sound spanking. There are certainly enough reasons for her to get spanked in the show. Just like with Kipo I’d like to age her up though (I also wouldn’t mind shipping her with Amity, they’re so cute together).

4. She-Ra and the Princesses of Power:

- (post-canon; Angella/Catra&Adora) The war ended, Catra joined the rebellion and is living together with Adora at Castle Bright Moon. Though after years of living the lives of horde soldiers the two still have a lot to learn. Especially Catra. I'd say Queen Angella makes and excellent spanker, btw.

5. Adventure Time:

- (Human-AU; non romantic; teacher/student spanking; PB and Marceline focus) Bonnibel Bubblegum is a strict teacher and Marceline Abadeer the brattiest, unruliest, most rebellious teenager she ever met. But instead of giving up on her like everyone else did, Bonnibel is determined to straighten Marceline out! Maybe she even takes Marceline in since her father is clearly overwhelmed being a single dad for a troubled teenager.

6. Steven Universe:

- (Canon; non romantic; teacher/student spanking; Pearl and Connie focus) Pearl is a great teacher, especially since she mastered sword fighting thousands of years ago. So when Connie gets reckless and endangers herself, she has to step in and teach her student a valuable lesson. A lesson she had been taught by Rose many years ago. A painful lesson.

7. Avatar: The Last Airbender / Legend of Korra:

- (mid-canon; non-romantic/"parental" discipline; Katara/Toph): Everyone who watched the episode "The Runaway" is familiar with this scene: Toph and Katara arguing about how motherly the waterbender is and Toph sassing her after getting scolded: "What you gonna do, send me to my room?!". I don't think I need to say anything else, this spanking kinda writes itself.

- (mid-canon; non-romantic; Lin Beifong/Korra) Korra is a brat - especially in the beginning when she’s still a teenager. Since Tenzin doesn't seem too eager to discipline his student it's up to Lin to smack some sense into the young Avatar.

- ('between'-canon; non-romantic/parental discipline; Toph/Suyin, Toph/Lin, Lin/Suyin) I can't stress how much young Suyin needed a good smacking. She did scar her sister's face for life after all, not to mention all the crimes she comitted. And yes, Toph gave her daughters too much freedom but maybe one day she snapped and actually bent one of her daughters over her knee. Alternatively it could be Lin who spanks Su since she seems to be more of a disciplinarian than Toph. Generally speaking I’d like to explore the Beifong family dynamics a bit more (and maybe throw in some Kyalin if it works with the plot).

- ('between'-canon; parental discipline; Katara/Kya&Lin) I kinda ship Kyalin and I like this idea of the two of them 'play-fighting' and training together when they were teenagers. One day the training kind of escalated and they destroyed Air Temple Island a bit more than usual. Katara of course is far from amused with her daughter and friend. Until this day it's a mystery how an Earthbender and Waterbender were able to set a tree on fire with their bending.

Last edited by FoodisLife; March 11th, 2021 at 11:19 PM. Reason: Updated; added fandoms and ideas
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Old September 19th, 2018, 09:02 AM   #2
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My PMs sadly only seem to let me do once a day
Any chance we can discuss here?
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Old February 28th, 2019, 06:53 PM   #3
The spanker of Mewtwo
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Kya and Lin story sounds fun.
Mewtwo the mew clone. He will never be alone
HE and I naughty we be, a pair of redden bottoms for him and me
Over his years his identity thorn, he will get a red behind in all his forms
Mewtwo and I learn to always dread, when Arceus turn out behinds crimson red.
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Old February 28th, 2019, 08:46 PM   #4
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For the legend of Korra one also, could always do a romantic one between Asami and Korra. Just wanted to give you an idea lol
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Old August 15th, 2019, 04:49 PM   #5
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Updated my ideas/fandoms. Right now I'm most interested in roleplaying RWBY though.
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Old August 15th, 2019, 06:16 PM   #6
The spanker of Mewtwo
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I can do a Korra story, she could use a rump warming.
Mewtwo the mew clone. He will never be alone
HE and I naughty we be, a pair of redden bottoms for him and me
Over his years his identity thorn, he will get a red behind in all his forms
Mewtwo and I learn to always dread, when Arceus turn out behinds crimson red.
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Old March 7th, 2020, 11:23 PM   #7
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well, updated I guess. Especially RWBY RPs are welcomed
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Old March 7th, 2020, 11:26 PM   #8
The spanker of Mewtwo
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Kali being their mother works.
Mewtwo the mew clone. He will never be alone
HE and I naughty we be, a pair of redden bottoms for him and me
Over his years his identity thorn, he will get a red behind in all his forms
Mewtwo and I learn to always dread, when Arceus turn out behinds crimson red.
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Old March 8th, 2020, 04:18 AM   #9
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Okay so RWBY: I like the Robyn and Ilia idea along with Kali and Blake so maybe We could mix the two together

She-ra: I like the idea of having Catra around getting spanked and maybe We can have Glimmer spank them also since She's their superior officer

Adventure Time: Marceline getting spanked is great but Bubblegum could use one also maybe Flame Princess gives them a lessin on how to be good Princesses

Avatar: Korra Toph and Kuvira getting spanked is all good just added that in
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Old October 29th, 2020, 10:24 PM   #10
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Changed a few things, deleted some outdated ideas. I'm still barely online though since health stuff sucks.
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adventure time, atla, cartoon, foodislife, lok, rps, rwby, she-ra, steven universe

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