Mama Bear Rhode (private)
Tony was at home with Rhode and was with him and helping him with his new legs as he was wearing a blue shirt and black pants and black socks and shoes and heard about T'chala and about his kingdom and how he heard about him helping a friend by getting a bullet out of his back and is walking.
He then look back at Rhode and still felt bad and gulity that he put him like this.
So he made a call and the day was tomorrow and T'chala would be here soon with the equipment and his sister and was nervous as he kept pacing the room and something white was poking out a bit and was giving off a couple of crinckles.
Up in the sky in camouflage was wakanda ship flying in the air toards Stark home.
I still don't see why I have to come with?" T'chala little sister said and wasn't happy but forgetting she was being punished about an accident in the lab and is punished and forced to come along.