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[ Peach Springs ] - Bathhouse and Inn - Beta
Old December 27th, 2016, 09:23 AM   #1
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Default [ Peach Springs ] - Bathhouse and Inn - Beta

Greetings everyone,

At long last another update for my game Peach Springs Inn and Bathhouse.
This is the big 1.0 update and thus the last content update the game will get.
I'll still do bugfixes and maybe some balancing as needed, but otherwise this is the final 'real' update.
Be aware that this update will reset your unlocked gallery.

As before the total number of playtesters for thsi update is exactly one, meaning me myself.
I'm sure to have missed a few issues becasue of that.
If you have feedback or want to report a bug, please do so in the game's forumthread linked below.

At this point I consider this game finished and will move on to a new project.
To be truthful I already started on that a few month back and it is one of the reasons why the final release of Pech springs was delayed until now.
I'll properly announce my new project once I'm a bit further along and have some more to show for it.


Greetings everyone,

as of today a beta version of my management/strategy spanking game Peach Springs is available.

If you decide to play it, keep in mind, that it does not yet contain the full planned content.
You may encounter things that don't work as intended, bugs and typos.
It should however give you a decent idea of how everything works and what I am planning for the future.
I am interested to hear what you think and if you have any suggestions or ideas, please leave me a comment here or send me a PM.

I plan on making more betas available as I add more content and iron out existing kinks.
Hopefully you will get some enjoyment out of this.

Premise of the game:
Players take the role of the youngest child of an influential family that ends up inheriting the property of their late uncle.
Sadly this also includes a massive debt to a rival of said family.
Instead of running back to mom and dad to beg for money, they decide to earn the cash to pay back the debt from the property they inherited.
Now it's up to them to take over the management of the facility and make sure its running smoothly, even if it means spanking a few bottoms in the process.

Download Links:
Since I don't own a MAC or Linux system all downloads are for Windows systems only.

(Version 1.0.2)

(Version 0.4.1):

(Version 0.4):

(Version 0.3):

(Version 0.2.2):

(Version 0.2):

(Version 0.1):


Change Logs:

New Features:
- Added character customization options (For male and female each: two skintones, five hairstyles in six colors each, several glasses and accessory options)
- Added several new events (Bath-Raven, Bath-Chris, Imperial Spanking Side-Story)
- Added new characters, unique guests, etc. with new events.
- Added new save-system with three different slots
- Added new music tracks
- Added new spanking sound effects (stole them from some of the RPGMaker games tbh.)
- Added missing text for some of the special room events

Improvements and Changes:

- Fullscreen mode is possible again (ALT-ENTER)
- Adjusted Sound Balance
- Increased game FPS to 60 for smoother mouse and input responses
- Adjusted Animation Speed for just about everything
- Rearranged Buttons during cutscenes

- Updated the tutorial windows with new features and better images
- Clarified some info on the resource tooltips
- Updated and reworked gender pronouns, so male, female and non-binary options should be covered everywhere

- Changed guest happiness calculation to factor in the percentage of their satisfied needs better
- Changed income from guests calculation to have less fluctuations and depend more clearly on social class and mood level
- Also added the daily payment you get from each guest as a visible stat on the guest screen.
- Reworked the effect of building upgrades and limited the upgradable levels to one
- Reworked the guest mechanic to fix some of the weird behaviour like unique guests don't showing up or showing up several times.
- Made all of the spanking implements available from the start instead of having to buy them, since they only really add flavour and are not mechanically relevant.

- Redrawn several CG to hide the former default player face
- Redrawn some background images or parts of it

- Removed the Full-Frontal-Nudity-Censor Option (it's just too much work to keep that consistent over all the sprites and cgs. Since this is an erotic game I'm going to assume you'll be able to handle seeing some dong and lady-bits, or if not just turn off the offending gender)

- (Hopefully) Fixed the bug where an empty event would be displayed with a bird icon
- Fixed the issue where you could sell food and material you didn't even have by daily delivery to cheat yourself infinite gold. Now you can't set the delivery higher than what you have and if you run over what you have because of other cirumstances your daily deliveries will be set to 0 again.
- Fixed the issue where you could buy food and material for less in the instant buy option and then sell them for a higher price in the daily sell option. Now while daily buy is still more expensive, the daily sell has the same value as the instant buy and sell.

New Features:

- Added 12 story events
- Added finished version of the win event and epilogue event
- Added 4 animated spankings for story events
- Added 3 interactive spankings for story events
- Added 9 static CG images for story events
- Added several new character sprites for more varied expressions
- Added a gallery for images, animation and events, accessible from the main menu

Improvements and Changes:

- Rebalanced the interactive spanking minigame and added different 'implement preferences' for each spankable character
- Rebalanced the effects of the global discipline value so that positive and negative modifiers are smaller
- Resized the Buttons in the main menu
- Redrawn parts of various event CG to look better
- Reordered the random spanking event images so they fit better to the severity of their corresponding event
- Fixed a number of performance issues
- Fixed an issue where during interactive spankings the redness would not align with the bottom correctly
- Fixed an animation speed issue with animated spanking scenes
- Fixed an issue where naked male protagonist would be displayed in the top left corner
- Fixed an issue where characters in cutscenes would be shown without loincloth despite full frontal nudity being turned off
- Fixed an issue where empty events with a bird sprite would be displayed and caused the game to crash (at least I hope I fixed it now)
- Fixed an issue where unique guests would be added to the guest pool multiple times

New Features:

- Several fail and game over events
- A rough unfinshed version of the win event.
- 6 new storyline events
- 2 additional animated spanking scenes with the player character as part of fail and game over events (8 counting all gender paitings)
- 1 additional animated spanking scene as part of storyline events (2 counting both genders)
- First 2 interactive, animated spanking scene as part of storyline events (6 types of increasable bottom redness depending on the implement)
- 5 new characters and their sprites (10 counting both genders)
- 5 new random events connected to building levels
- 6 new random spanking event CG (20 counting all gender paitings)
- Resized and partially redrawn some character sprites
- Added several facial expressions for character sprites in storyline events
- Color coded clothes for guests depending on social standing
- New mechanic on the trade screen to set a daily resource delivery
- New button to sort servants by their aptitude for certain jobs
- New hide button to hide GUI elements during cutscenes
- Discipline is now a global resource instead of an individual character stat. That should make it easier to handle and understand.
- Several unique characters as guests (similar to Raven, Jade and Chris as unique servants)
- 3 multiple-choice random events

Improvements and Changes:

- Rate at which the guest needs are fullfilled now also displayed as percentage.
- Reduced cost of room upgrades
- Reduced income from guests with higher social classes
- Increased resource bonus from room upgrades
- Several old and new random events now require certain room levels to trigger
- Several changes to the design of the construction screen GUI
- Several changes to the design of the trade screen GUI
- Fixed Bug where female guests were given male firstnames
- Fixed an issue where event markers would lose their 'has been read' signs after screen changes
- Rebalanced the chances of certain events being generated


- Increased bonuses on easy mode
- Reduced Food price at the market to 5
- Reduced Material price at the market to 8
- Reduced overall food consumption
- Reduced overall material consumption
- Rebalanced the gold you get from various guest social classes to a higher value
- Higher start attributes for initial servants and lower ones for those in the red lantern district.

- Fixed the issues on the building screen where baths couldn't be upgraded or the facade button upgraded the office
- Fixed the issue that you couldn't switch servant behaviour policy to the second option after switching it once
- Fixed the issue with the building screen info not showing properly on the second building screen
- Fixed an issue where guest happiness would not be remembered if they left the bathhouse and came back later
- Fixed an issue where guest social classes were all stuck on commoner
- Fixed issue with negative food values not being set to 0


New Content:
- Added Kyo Story Event 01
- Added Raven Story Event 01
- Added Chris Story Event 01
- Added new background and CGs that go with the events
- Added Skip-Button for Cutscene Sequences
- Added Tooltip for Resource Display to give the player more information
- Added the previously hidden stat Guest Discipline to the Guest Info Box.

- Rebalanced some of the resources and made difficulty level more significant
- Location Cutscenes only play the first time you visit for market and recruitment locations
- Servants now 'snap-fit' when assigning them jobs in the servant screen
- Some wrongly labeled or not labeled event effects now labeled correctly
- Took out the 'unseen events' alert for now
- Made some changes to existing CG and character sprites.

- Fixed issues with Build Cost calculations (negative material or gold)
- Fixed issue where a servant could spank or massage themselves
- Fixed issue where servants got a critical fail or success event without even working the mentioned job
- Fixed issue where no new guests would be generated for the bathhouse after you switch to one gender only guests (now it will change after one turn)
- Fixed crash when some gender pairings are deactivated and a story event is created (through next button)
- Fixed crash when clicking on the info button twice
- Fixed crash when upgrading the guest rooms and changing to the guest screen on the same turn

--> http://cmzero.deviantart.com/ <--

Last edited by CM_Zero; October 15th, 2018 at 03:45 PM.
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Old December 27th, 2016, 10:00 AM   #2
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So, as far as I noticed, the next turn button isn't working

EDIT: so I played around with it a bit more, it seems as if not turning F/M and M/M off for the first day seems to fix it, though it allowed me to turn it off later, to be perfectly fair I didnt keep exact variables so this isn't a properly tested thing, so take it with a grain of salt, just look at that area and see if you see something wrong.
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Old December 27th, 2016, 10:49 AM   #3
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Just has a suggestion something other then zippyshare for future versions to upload. Took 6 times to click the DL link for the file and not get redirected with a trap link.

Unfortunately pressing the turn button always gets a fatal error and crashes the game.

Last edited by Fuzzywonder; December 27th, 2016 at 11:17 AM.
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Old December 27th, 2016, 01:49 PM   #4
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Without further ado, and I trust you won't take my comment as negative, here's some suggestions and complaints after beta testing it a bit.

- Skip intro button would be nice. Sure, you can just save at the start but I didn't realize that until after the first crash.
- I think it would be also better to skip the "this is the market" etc. dialog after you've visited once.
- The spanking implement buttons at the market don't give audible feedback.
- Servants snap to slots after exiting the screen, but it would be cool if they did that while dragging.
- Material can go negative. Looks like building only checks that you're above zero, not that you have enough. Also, it bumps up to zero the next day. So you can build anything with 1 material.
- Right now, I don't actually see any purpose for the market goods, since they're just bought with cash anyway. If you still want them as separate resources, you could make buying them automatic instead of having to run to the market every time.
- It says a minus to happiness when a servant is spanked, but does servant happiness actually do anything? I only see happiness in the guest stats. I mean who cares whether your slaves are happy, right? :P
- Would be really cool if hovering over the resource icons showed more detail about where the resources are coming from. I couldn't really figure out how the profits are calculated.

So, on to the crash bugs I found:

Clicking on the info box button while the box is on the screen gives the following error. Same error occurs when clicking the button on any of the city districts.
action number 1
of Draw Event
for object obj_info_box:

Trying to draw non-existing sprite.
at gml_Object_obj_info_box_Draw_64
This is the one that occurs when clicking next turn with some pairings disabled. It also came up when trying to turn off a pairing with a corresponding event currently in right corner.
action number 1
of Mouse Event for Left Pressed
for object obj_btn_nextturn:

Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [0,15] out of range [2,15] - -5.event_queue(100032,15)
at gml_Script_scr_show_event_markers
stack frame is
gml_Script_scr_show_event_markers (line 0)
This one happened on day two after moving a servant and clicking back to bathhouse screen. Couldn't reproduce.
action number 1
of <Unknown Event>
for object obj_debug_test_events:

Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [0,15] out of range [1,15] - -5.event_queue(100032,15)
at gml_Script_scr_show_event_markers

stack frame is
gml_Script_scr_show_event_markers (line 0)
Anyway, good job so far and I hope to see this perfected!

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Old December 27th, 2016, 03:55 PM   #5
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I noticed that on occasion, when one servant disciplined another, they would in fact be spanking themselves. And it wasn't a name duplicate thing.

Some of the early events aren't marked off (the initial exclamation mark event for example(that may be the only one, I could have sworn there way another, but there's nothing else I can duplicate)), so you're always warned about unread events regardless of the number of times this has been done.

Males guests stick around after the bath house is set to female only. And male corner time events occur with male scenes switched off.

Food needs to be cheaper, as even at the starting setting, 600c's worth are consumed every day. The debt is a pittance in comparison.

Last edited by Uninventive; December 27th, 2016 at 04:15 PM.
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Old December 27th, 2016, 04:56 PM   #6
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A magnificent first look behind the curtain, CM. The art is engaging and the writing as enjoyable as your usual 'bumps' after artwork. Tuning and balance (and the aforementioned) bugs all need to be fixed, obviously, but I was definitely enjoying the game a great deal until an error crashed me out.

Seconding that you find a way to cut the 'this is the market' speech, seeing as how I'm running down their daily to keep myself out of the negatives. ...maybe a way to 'contract' X materials/food every day for a gold cost? A contract could go for X days and then you can renegotiate, maybe get a better deal if you've been a good customer and making all your payments?
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Old December 27th, 2016, 05:36 PM   #7
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################################################## ##########################################
action number 1
of <Unknown Event>
for object obj_debug_test_events:

Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [20,10] out of range [20,-1] - -5.local_guest_list(100030,640010)
at gml_Script_scr_draw_guests
################################################## ##########################################
stack frame is
gml_Script_scr_draw_guests (line 0)
I get this error when every i click on guest

---------- Post added at 02:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:35 PM ----------

Good game but seem like i am missing something because its hard to get resources and or the gold to buy them any suggesting?
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Old December 27th, 2016, 07:07 PM   #8
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the game is awesome, but i think it is too difficult to gain resources, 100g for just 10 food or material is too expensive, i understand that this is just a beta, and a damn good one, keep up the good work, i cant wait for the new CGs
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Old December 27th, 2016, 08:01 PM   #9
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I can mirror most of the things pointed out here already. Ran into some self spanking servants now and then, along with the events just not disappearing after I had clicked on them. I'd click, go to check out my servants and guests, and when I get back to the bath house, it would say I hadn't played the scene yet.

My biggest critique of the game at this point is its balance. Even playing on the easy difficulty, I could not, for the life of me get very far into the story due to constantly running low on food and materials, and even when I had a good balance of servants handling the workload and everything was green and positive, all my guests at max happiness, I was just totally unable to make enough gold to keep up with the costs for food and material. The game is quite fun, definitely, but I do feel that some hard balancing is in order.

Not quite as big a critique, but I also think that the game doesn't do a great job at conveying certain aspects of the UI, like how servant's stats are affected during prolonged stints doing one job, and how that will affect and alter their stats or the stats of the bath house in the long run.

I'm still new to game design, so I apologize that I couldn't be a bit more pinpoint accurate with my critiques, but I do hope that this helps in the long run! I really like what is going on here, and I'm very curious to see what will happen with it in the future.
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Old December 27th, 2016, 10:40 PM   #10
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One other thing I found, when upgrading the guest rooms to level 2, I could no longer look at the guest list without causing an error
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