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January 22nd, 2017, 05:05 PM
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Shadowlight is offline
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she glanced down at her tail and slowly nodded "it is awfully easy to hurt it....and well....I have been thrown by it before."
She stated before adding "are you saying you're stronger than him? Just how strong are you? I mean, you are the prince and a prodigy if the stories were true....But I figured they were just tales." She stated before adding "are they more of us? More saiyans I mean...I mean how did you end up on this mudball?"
January 22nd, 2017, 05:19 PM
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rrichmon is offline
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Vegeta:"haha well Allow me to answer your questions one at a time. You barely have scratched the surface of my power."
Vegeta powers up and transforms into The legendary Super Saiyan.
Vegeta:"As far as more of us, there are only 2 other pure bred saiyans left myself, and a low level named Kakarot. the rest are half breeds."
Vegeta: "as far as ending up here I came here to find something called the dragonballs many years ago. I fought Kakarot over them. long story short, I had no home planet no where else to go so I settled down determined to be stronger than kakarot."
January 22nd, 2017, 05:26 PM
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"What the hell!? You can.....You...So that's true? There are Super saiyans?" She gasped in surprised before growing quiet.
"man...I have a lot to learn. Are these half breeds strong? Or are they like the rest of the life on this planet? And how did you know where I was? You have no scouter?"
She was beyond confused and in shock at seeing a super saiyan in the flesh.
January 22nd, 2017, 05:44 PM
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Vegeta:"Well one of them is my son, hes been training intensely since he was born."
Vegeta bragged
Vegeta:"He would whip you easily." he shrugged.
Vegeta:"He can also transform, but who can blame him hes been undergoing my training since the day he was born."
Vegeta powered down his hair went back to black.
January 22nd, 2017, 05:55 PM
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"Wow! Then the saiyans must be even more powerful than I thought!" She stated then glanced down, a look of determination coming over her.
"How can I become that strong one day?"
She asked
January 22nd, 2017, 06:13 PM
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Vegeta:"I would do alot of push up and situps, oh and dont forget to drink plenty of juice"(I couldnt resist)
Vegeta laughed:"But if you are serious about training I can't let a saiyan as weak as you defoil our race's proud name."
He levitated upward.:"You can come train with me, however it will be dangerous you may even die once or twice. that's your choice."
January 22nd, 2017, 06:25 PM
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She followed him.
"Risk i'm willing to take sire."
She stated before adding as she followed him "I will become stronger, I wont let you down."
January 22nd, 2017, 06:41 PM
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Vegeta smiled and burst off toward Capsule Corporation.
Vegeta:"A wise choice my friend." he turned to the saiyan "you will need new clothes. the woman will surely comment on how you are dressed."
they werent flying very fast.
"ah yes and how i knew where you were and that you were coming." he began to explain
"I can use my ki as a sense to find other powers. You came barrelling in on your ship. I knew exactly how powerful you were. I had to access what you came for.
January 22nd, 2017, 07:07 PM
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"Yes, my clothing will stick out...and I am assuming that the woman is your mate." She stated then added after some moment of thought.
"So you can feel ki? That's intresting." she stated before adding "there really is more than what I know. I assume that this planet has been targeted by people as well? Similar to my home planet."
January 22nd, 2017, 07:18 PM
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Vegeta:"More times than you could count, we saiyans thought Frieza was strong once. We've evolved much since then."
They approached a huge round building.
"We're here, The woman is going to yell at you, but she's weak." he began his descention.
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