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Shining Force - Troublesome Princess |
June 23rd, 2009, 12:29 AM
Chrysm is offline
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Shining Force - Troublesome Princess
Closed for Bleachdoll17
Rune. A slowly healing, war-torn world. The Eastern Continent, took the most damage. The small kingdoms and towns, ruins, barely inhabitable. The kingdom of Runefaust, where the war started, surprisingly suffered little, save the grave loss of its king, the mighty Ramladu.
But now, hope spreads. The Shining Force has ended the great threat of Dark Dragon's impending return, and the world has begun healing itself. In Runefaust, Ramladu's daughter Narsha has taken the throne, and now, with Shining Force leader Max as the new king, they lead the world into a time of peace.
Years have passed, and Max ocassionally leaves to fight and ensure peace. So Queen Narsha is often left to both rook after thekingdom, and their daugher, the spoiled, often impatient, and sometimes rude, Princess Ellana.
On this peacful sunny day, the Runefaust castle is in an uproar. As Ellana is simply refusing to do as told. Wanting to just play in one of the many spacious courtyards, she is being more of a handful than normal, and is rousing the ire of Queen Narsha.
June 23rd, 2009, 12:41 AM
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"Princess Ellana your mother would not aprove of you getting into all of this mischief." One of the royal guardians explained as she lowered her helmet to the child in honor.
(How old is Ellana?)
June 23rd, 2009, 01:01 AM
Chrysm is offline
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(9. Hope you don't mind I thow in a maid caretaker twist)
"Be silent!" Ellana commanded bitterly, not in the mood to be lectured.
At 9 years of age, she stood a few inches taller than normal. The gentle wind playing with her long light brown hair, and the sun adding light to her medium toned fair skin. She had her father's strong will and nature, so she felt that none could push her around.
Though she had heard rumor that Narsha had arranged for a new maid that will help keep her in line. Ellana scoffed at the idea, and so was being this way, for today was the maid's expected arrival date. She was being this way, to hopefully scare off this maid.
Ellana preferred to spend her time either playing in the courtyards, or being with Mahato, the royal mage and advisor. She always found fun thing for Ellan to do, or a fun way to learn something. She cared little for manners and mirrored her father's desire to explore. In short, the girl simply could not sit still,and because of his, she could be quite a handful.
Last edited by Chrysm; November 24th, 2009 at 01:56 PM.
June 23rd, 2009, 01:17 AM
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"Well then I have one final thing to say... Your mother wants to talk to you about something of importance right away so I'd suggest you go to her immediantly." She nodded placed her helmet back on and walked off to do her duty.
June 23rd, 2009, 01:19 AM
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Slightly confused, the young princess went into the castle, to the queen's chambers
June 23rd, 2009, 01:26 AM
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Narsha smiled at her daughter as she saw her enter the inner chamber. "Guards leave us please I wish to speak to my daughter alone." She said calmly as the gaurds took their leave.
June 23rd, 2009, 01:31 AM
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"What is it you wish to talk about, Mother?" ellana asked
June 23rd, 2009, 01:39 AM
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"Well as you may know I get very busy here in the castle right?"
June 23rd, 2009, 01:42 AM
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"Yeah" Ellana said almost dismissively.
June 23rd, 2009, 01:55 AM
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"Well heres something you may not know. You can be quite a handful and the guards have more important things to do than to keep their eye on you. So I have decided you need close supervision and thats why I got you a caretaker to watch over you."
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