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Old December 6th, 2023, 06:39 PM   #9981
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"Yeah! Where's the class again?" Millie asked.
"Down the hall to the left!" Bugs replied.

The three kids quickly went over to the class, and came in just as Granny herself was teaching. "Oh my! Class, please say hello to our new students, Rodrigo, Millie and Naomi!"
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Old December 6th, 2023, 08:47 PM   #9982
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Dot, who was sitting next to Babs, smiled! "Look, Babs! They are Rodrigo, Millie, and Naomi, I told ya about them!" she said!

Ultra Lil' Bro Apprentice of Galactic Kids Next Door, Numbuh 001(Joseph)'s bro and Numbuh Omega's apprentice/adopted son!
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Old December 6th, 2023, 09:06 PM   #9983
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Babs waved at them. "Hiiii! Sit next to uuuus!" She asked.

Granny allowed this, and class began. "Now children, even though many believe all cartoons are the same sort of zany, the truth is that there are several "archetypes" of toons; tricksters like Bugs Bunny, screwballs like Daffy, straight-men like Porky, heels like Yosemite Sam, wild cards like Taz, and quite a few more. So being a successful cartoon doesn't mean cracking jokes all the time, it's about making the most out of the traits who make you who you are."
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Old December 6th, 2023, 09:09 PM   #9984
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"And how do we find out what Archetype we are? Like, what kinda Toon would I be?" Rodrigo asked, curiously.

Ultra Lil' Bro Apprentice of Galactic Kids Next Door, Numbuh 001(Joseph)'s bro and Numbuh Omega's apprentice/adopted son!
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Old December 6th, 2023, 10:02 PM   #9985
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"That is the objective of the course, Rodrigo, that we all find the best kind of toon we can be." Granny explained, "At the end of the course, you'll have the assignment of making your own cartoon short! In groups of course; the best shorts have at least two main characters!"

"But what about Duck Amuck with my uncle Daffy?" Plucky asked. "He was alone in that one right?"
"Ahhh not quite you see; the artist who keeps messing around with him, that's the second character!" Granny clarified.
"And he was my uncle Bugs too!" Babs added.

Granny then reminded everyone "Just remember that these archetypes aren't one-size-fits-all labels; there are layers to this, and some toons like our dear Daffy fit into more than one. So at the end of the day, this is all about finding yourselves, and the best part about yourselves too!"

Naomi put a hand to her chin. "This is very interesting... I do believe that there's a lot more to this than meets the eye." She said to herself in a low voice.
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Old December 6th, 2023, 10:18 PM   #9986
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"Finding...ourselves..." Rodrigo mumbled.

"Yep! Don't worry, you'll be great!" Dot smirked.

"All you gotta be to be a good toon is yourself! Sides, you could also find a mentor here to help guide you." Buster suggested.

Ultra Lil' Bro Apprentice of Galactic Kids Next Door, Numbuh 001(Joseph)'s bro and Numbuh Omega's apprentice/adopted son!
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Old December 6th, 2023, 10:27 PM   #9987
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"A mentor? You mean someone in particular to guide us?" Naomi asked Buster.
His sister replied for him. "Yeah, often one of the grown-ups who has a personality closer to yours."

Granny nodded and smiled. "You will find him or her soon enough; here, fill in these personality quizzes; they could be a good start!" She said, handing them out.

Millie did those all the time on the internet, so she was very happy to oblige!
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Old December 6th, 2023, 10:39 PM   #9988
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"Oh, okay! Lemme see here...hm..."

Rodrigo began doing the personality test.

Ultra Lil' Bro Apprentice of Galactic Kids Next Door, Numbuh 001(Joseph)'s bro and Numbuh Omega's apprentice/adopted son!
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Old December 7th, 2023, 07:06 AM   #9989
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Soon enough they handed them in. Granny said "We'll look them over now, but just know that whatever the result is doesn't necessarily put you in a box. But it will determine who could mentor you."

"Okay, sweet! I'm hyped to see what my result will be!" Millie said. "I think I could be a good trickster!"
"Hmm... Not quite sure who I could be. In many questions there were lots of naughty answers and I always chose the nicer one." Naomi pondered.
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Old December 7th, 2023, 12:09 PM   #9990
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"I think I was a mixed bag!" Rodrigo said.

"Don't be mad, my princess, but I might have agreed to some answers some would consider naughty, but only when they were VERY fun, or when it involved punishing bad guys for doing bad things....though I still stuck with mostly the nicer options."

Ultra Lil' Bro Apprentice of Galactic Kids Next Door, Numbuh 001(Joseph)'s bro and Numbuh Omega's apprentice/adopted son!
Numbuh Omega is a gentle mommy, and don't like to spank me, but she will if it's needed...
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mediamillie, millie, reunite, rodrigo, siblings

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