Hi everyone! Just got back today. I was unfortunately unwell last night, so I'm a bit later back than planned, but hope to get some work done fixing reported bugs for 1.5.6 in the next few days. Thanks to everyone who's been playing and posting in my absence.
Originally Posted by sethron
Ran into a bug: At the lumber shop, if you take Guldrid's side then come back to the lumber shop after "giving them a moment", the scene from where you first enter the lumber plays again with two instances of each character and then freezes when Ganute tries to run back behind the counter but his future self is already there.
Is that in 1.5.5? If so, can you please try with a new game and see if the same bug occurs? I'm having trouble replicating this, but I know I changed some stuff in how those scenes worked to fix a previous bug, so I'm not sure if it's already fixed for 1.5.5 (and maybe just old saves don't work).
---------- Post added at 03:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:29 PM ----------
Originally Posted by Izumi
Where do I find the lock picking skill?
Bianca (the catgirl thief) has a book that teaches you how.
---------- Post added at 03:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:31 PM ----------
Originally Posted by milf
Evidence Locker in Red Valley jail.. Look LEFT as you enter.. And open it.. And get swats for opening it.
I sometimes wish there was a "proper" spanking scene for opening that chest. I'd want there to be a way to avoid it for "pure dom" players, but would be open to adding such a thing if others were interested and thought it would "fit".
Maybe there could be a choice to either "force lock" or "pick lock" on the evidence chest, where forcing it alerts Shilva and leads to a spanking while picking the lock (requiring the lockpick skill) gets you the robes without Shilva noticing?
---------- Post added at 03:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:34 PM ----------
Originally Posted by speedlimit55
Three bugs (v1.5.5):
Rod of Subjugation does not appear as completed after it is assembled on the Quest Log.
Couldn't punish Canute and Gudrid for the festival incident (I used the warp stone to get back to Oak Outpost from Frostpoint to deal with them, and playing on NG+ mode).
Something weird happened on the Quest Log. There was a quest titled "Talk to Canute" (or something like it) on the list, but disappeared after completing Bored, Nothing to Do. (also playing on NG+ mode)
Not being able to punish Canute and Gudrid after the festival is not a bug, but "cut content" from the original game I've not added. In the original game, the dialog indeed suggested you could/would punish them for that incident, but you never could. I would like to add that in for SQDX but:
1) I've not had chance to look at implementing this.
2) I'm not even sure what that scene would include (especially as some players might be doing a "pure sub" run and not want to punish the pair).
As to the other bugs, I will look into the RoS quest log issue and try to fix that for next update (I'm not surprised that is bugged, to be honest).
For the bug you experienced with the disappearing quest log entry, I'm not able to reproduce it, could you try and make it happen again yourself and let me know more information?
---------- Post added at 03:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:38 PM ----------
Originally Posted by milf
Ahh so you have to take off the amulet...
Yes, sorry, I forgot that you need to not be wearing the Hall Monitor Armband OR the Amulet of Naughtiness to have Angie (the bully at Frostpoint Academy) shake you down when you meet her. Wearing the Amulet of Naughtiness makes her think you're a troublemaker like her and she likes you enough not to threaten you!
You can, however, still tell you you'd *like* to be spanked by her even if you are wearing the Amulet of Naughtiness, which will lead to the (as-yet-not-included) extra "subbing" spanking scenes with her.
---------- Post added at 03:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:41 PM ----------
Originally Posted by bluethecub
Thank you so much for responding, I really love the game and the additions made, the quest list is great, but I think more hints as far as where I should go when doing a quest would help, like with some quests where I have to speak with someone, and I have no idea where the person is, maybe some kind of integrated map would make the whole experience easier as well for newer players. Other then that great work so far, game is really fun and immersive, only improvements would I'd like to see would be with the spankings themselves, I feel like there's a lack of interaction as far as how I would like my character to react, or take control of a situation, it would be a good substitute until the art could be updated, more option from a player standpoint is always great.
I am currently working on adding an "encyclopedia" to the game that keeps track of all the major characters (name, gender, appearance, location) that might help with trying to find a specific person for a quest.
I do agree with you regarding the "interactiveness" of the spanking scenes, though as a sub, it bothers me less than I am sure it does some more dom-inclined players (i.e. while it would be nice to choose how stoic or "wimpy" you react to a spanking, it is more glaring to not be able to choose how hard, long, etc. you spank as a spanker).
Because this is a mod rather than a "from scratch" game, I can only go in and edit each scene. I probably would have had something more interactive (as Bagool did for SQ2), but for SQDX I have to alter then one at a time.
That said, I have already been slowing adding to some of the spanking scenes, particularly a few ones where the player is the spanker (i.e. letting you choose to show mercy, spank harder, etc.) but am very open to suggestions of specific scenes where you'd like to make such a choice, as well as any spankings that currently don't let you choose an implement but you'd like to have the option of using one (e.g. use a hairbrush on someone you can only handspank right now). That goes for everyone, not just the OP, too... so let me know!