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February 22nd, 2019, 06:53 PM
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"Don't use your powers." Ruby reminded her again, it was almost as if she felt that Sapphire wanted to cool down. "Otherwise we'll have to start over and we both don't want that. Only a few more swats before you can have a little break before the hairbrush." The red gem tried to be as gentle as possible considering this situation. Of course she hated punishing Sapphire, but this had to be done. So she continued to smack the older gem's slowly darkening bottom until this part of the punishment was over. "Do you... want a short break before the hairbrush?" Her hands carefully caressed fevered flesh, from her own experience she knew just how much this was stinging already.
February 23rd, 2019, 06:18 AM
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Sapphire was well and truly sobbing now, tears dripping down onto the ground. It had been a good while since she'd been in this position, and she seemed to have forgotten how much she hated it. She squirmed ever more fiercely, trying to focus on anything other than the pain in her rear end. As much as she tried Seeing when it would be all over, she couldn't ignore her current pain. After what seemed like an eternity, Ruby stopped. "Yeah... that would be... nice..." She hated t see her usually stoic exterior go to pieces, but she couldn't help it.
February 28th, 2019, 09:10 PM
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It had been a few weeks since the dramatic events on Homeworld and on Earth. Garnet had often wondered how things had turned out so.... well. All of the corrupted gems the Crystal Gems held in their care had been healed, and most were living happily on Earth once again. There were problems, of course. But all in all, things were better than she could have hoped, or foreseen.
Of course, that didn't mean things were perfect. Not all of the gems on Earth were healed; many still wandered the wilderness, in pain and unhealed. She had sensed one recently, down in the jungles of South America. Before, she would have felt pangs of guilt at the thought of another friend so decimated. But now, she had hope that she would see another friend again soon. She had gathered the Crystal Gems in the beach house, minus Steven, who was having a day with Connie. Bolstering their ranks were Lapis and Peridot, both seemingly eager for their first real mission.
February 28th, 2019, 09:26 PM
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"I'm not sure we're actually needed for this mission..." Mumbled Lapis quietly. While she was eager to proof her worth as a Crystal Gem, this was an easy mission. Catch a corrupted gem and bring it back so it can be healed. Easy, Connie could've done it alone. Therefore the blue gem didn't really like being here, she prefered lying somewhere in the sun and enjoying its warmth on her gem. Sure, gems didn't actually feel warm or cold, but it still felt kind of nice? It was difficult to explain.
They had been moving through the wilderness for a while now without any success. But when they finally found said gem Lapis quickly changed her mind, that thing was bigger than she had expected - especially its claws were just huge! "Yeah, ok. Guess we ARE needed!" She spread her wings immediately and ready to fight.
Pearl threw the first punch - or rather, spear. The wild gem easily dodged it, let out a deafening roar and charged forward. At least it was kinda slow.
"Lapis, Peridot! Distract it so that Amethyst can poof it with her whip!" The pale gem yelled while summoning another spear.
"Wait Pearl, I think we can handle this ourselves!" Replied Lapis.
"What? No! Lapis, you need to get its attention before it attacks Amethyst!! Garnet, do something!"
February 28th, 2019, 09:40 PM
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A gauntleted fist slammed down on the giant iguana's side, sending it crashing into the trees. This thing was a lost bigger than she had anticipated. Nothing to be done about that now, though. They're only option was to beat it. "Lapis! Use the water from the stream to hold it down! Peridot, distract it so it doesn't see Lapis coming!" The creature was already getting up, it was time for round two.
Peridot eeped, running towards the corruption's line of sight. "Hey, ugly! Over here!" She jumped up and down, waving her arms excitedly. As the thing began to turn on her, she began to wonder the wisdom of her move. She flung her metal trash can lid at it's eye, which elicited a screech of pain when it connected. Her celebration was short lived, as the thing, enraged, charged at her.
Garnet did not like the developing situation. She lept at it, but was thrown back by it's tail. Disoriented, it changed directions and charged at Amethyst. "Lapis, slow that thing down!"
February 28th, 2019, 09:50 PM
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But instead of using more of the water from the stream, Lapis used her resources to lift a huge rock off the ground. This had once worked against Blue Diamond, so why not against some corrupted gem as well? "Eat dirt, monster!" She yelled, but then something happened.
When Lapis had attacked Blue Diamond the huge gem wasn't moving and she had also been a huge target. This corrupted gem on the other hand was huge, but not even close to the size of a diamond. In other words, Lapis missed it.
"AAH!" A loud scream and if Lapis had actual blood running through her body then it’d feel colder than ice right now. Amethyst had managed to catch the monster with her whip, but she was unable to dodge the attack.
"Amethyst!" Pearl yelled. The purple gem was lying on the ground, her form flickering and glitchy. The monster was luckily still tied up with Amethyst's whip, so Pearl left it to Garnet to actually poof it. "Amethyst, show me your gem!" She carefully removed the younger gem's hands and just as she expected, her was a huge crack right in the center. "Oh Amethyst, don't move!"
"Well... that didn't go as planned..." Mumbled Lapis then.
February 28th, 2019, 09:58 PM
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Garnet watched in horror as the rock sailed right past the corruption. If Lapis had been aiming for Amethyst, she couldn't have been more accurate. The rock practically replaced the gem, sending her flying backwards. Garnet didn't need to see her gem to know what had happened. It was a miracle she hadn't poofed outright.
Her horror quickly worsened, as the monster began to slowly untie itself from Amethyst whip. Pure rage coursed through her, and she launched herself at the corruption. She hit it with everything she had, and then hit it again. He fist turned into a blur as she mercilessly pounded at the monster, until, with one final strangled gasp, it disintegrated. Garnet stood up, eyes narrowed behind her visor. Picking up the triangle shaped gem, she bubbled it and sent back to the now-empty burning room.
Remembering her fallen teammate, she hurried over to Pearl and Amethyst. Amethyst looked significantly worse for wear, both her form and her gem. The crack wasn't life-threatening, but it wasn't exactly a small thing either. "Guess I forgot to duck, huh, P?" Amethyst laughed weakly. Peridot and Pearl wore the same worried expression as they stood over her. "Pearl, take her back to the Temple. Have Steven heal her. Peridot, go with them."
February 28th, 2019, 10:12 PM
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Pearl nodded and gently lifted the younger gem up to carry her. "Amethyst, don't worry. We'll get you home and healed!" She said softly, but there was an edge of panic in her voice. "If you... if you want to rest, just let go of your form. We'll protect you!"
Lapis then landed next to Garnet on the ground, she seemed a bit nervous and worried. "Um... since you're sending them home... what uh... about me?" It was rare for the blue gem to talk like that, usually she had more of a 'I don't give a fuck'-attitude and way of speaking.
February 28th, 2019, 10:15 PM
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Garnet watched the two of them head of, Peridot in tow. The small green gem gave a nervous glance back at the two of them, which Garnet understood perfectly. Peridot knew exactly what was about to happen, having been in Lapis' place more than once. Garnet did her best to offer her a reassuring look, but knew her best probably wasn't enough to set the small mechanic's mind at ease.
Lapis, on the other hand....
As soon as the three were out of sight, she wheel around to look at Lapis. "Lapis Lazuil! What were you thinking!? I gave you a direct order to hold the monster back! But instead, you went with your own plan, and now Amethyst is cracked! Stars, she could have been worse than cracked! Did you ever once stop to think that maybe I had a reason to tell you what to do?" She crosses her arms, looking down on the blue gem with pure anger.
February 28th, 2019, 10:24 PM
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Lapis flinched at Garnet's rough tone, the fusion was pretty angry with her. "Well... I thought my idea was better..." She answered and tried to look anywhere but Garnet. "And Amethyst will be fine, it's just a small crack. I was cracked for 5000 years and I'm fine. Pearl will take her to Steven and then we can shrug the whole thing off." She said then, hoping that this conversation was over. "So uh... can we go now?"
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