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Old October 11th, 2018, 04:37 PM   #121
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Yellow Pearl nodded, but only moments later the same report had been sent again. "My Diamond... The Agate keeps asking for more Bismuths and don't you think we can spare two Bismuths and send them there?" The little pearl asked quietly.

Blue took the strap without saying anything at first. She still needed to get used to this new implement. Usually she'd just cane her Pearl, but she feared that more strokes would poof her and the leather was a different material. She could probably give her servant more with this than with a cane. "Bend over." She said simply.
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Old October 13th, 2018, 01:10 AM   #122
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"I do hope you are paraphrasing the report and not simply injecting your own opinion where it was not requested." Yellow highly suspected the latter, but did not press her Pearl further. "Tell her that she will make do with the resources she has been given. And that I do not expect another report from her until she tells me that her task is completed."

Blue nodded, turning over and bending over, placing her head against the front of her legs, and sticking out her rear. She knew she should have expected as much, but her stomach still turned inside of her. The strap looked almost comically small in her Diamond's hands, but she doubted that it would feel as such. She resigned herself to another beating, squeezing her eyes shut.
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Old October 14th, 2018, 08:33 PM   #123
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Yellow Pearl paled, she had spoken out of line again and she knew that, but sometimes what her Diamond ordered just didn’t make sense. She gulped nervously. “M-My Diamond. I was just stating… facts.” Pearl answered quietly and hoped her Diamond wouldn’t feel insulted. “I will… let her know immediately. She won’t send any more reports.”

Blue watched the much smaller Pearl get into position. “Hm…” She knew her Pearl was still hurting from the other punishment and she didn’t want to poof her by accident. But still, this was a much needed punishment. “Don’t move.” She said sternly and suddenly and without a warning she smacked the strap against Blue’s already sore backside.
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Old October 21st, 2018, 09:53 PM   #124
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Yellow Diamond reached her hand down towards her Pearls workstation, effortlessly scooping her up out of it. Lifting her up to eye level, she glared at her with enough intensity to shatter. "You are on very thin ice, my Pearl. I have half a mind to beat you into your gem this instant, and the only thing preventing me from doing so is knowing that I need you right now. So consider this a warning. Watch yourself."

As the strap cracked against her lightly covered rear, Blue's resolve very quickly took a hit. The pain exploded like a neutron star on her buttocks, rippling up and down her body and into her gem. She let out a small squeak, in spite of herself, but she didn't break position. A deep purple bruise formed across her cheeks, and she silently hoped Yellow wasn't receiving the same treatment. "I apologize, my Diamond."
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Old November 11th, 2018, 04:37 PM   #125
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Yellow Pearl didn't even dare to breath right now, she was completely still when her Diamond threatened her. Then she gulped nervously and nodded before saluting. "M-my apologies, my Diamond." She tried to appear fearless, but it was obvious she was scared. "I-I just wanted to help..."

Blue nodded before raising the heavy strap again. "Just tell me how often I have to whip you until you finally understand that you can't behave however you want." The Diamond sighed and coldly slapped her pearl again. "Just tell me so I can get this over with!"
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Old November 11th, 2018, 10:17 PM   #126
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Yellow, satisfied her Pearl had been scared straight for the time being, dropped her back into her work station. "Continue with the reports. And without the personal commentary, please." Yellow wondered if giving her Pearl time with Blue's Pearl had been a mistake.

Blue let out a whimper as the strap connected one more, another welt forming on her already thoroughly bruised rear. "You may whip me as often and as severely as you like, My Diamond. I would never again dream of betraying your trust of acting of my own accord again."
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Old December 1st, 2018, 06:28 PM   #127
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"Y-Yes, my Diamond!" The now intimidated Pearl saluted quickly and went back to work. She wouldn't act up anytime soon in fear of not being allowed to see Blue again.

"Mhm." Blue Diamond simply hummed before giving her Pearl a final, harsh swat with the strap before stopping. "This should do for now. Don't give me a reason to beat you anytime soon!"
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Old December 8th, 2018, 11:48 PM   #128
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Yellow Diamond continued her work in silence, the only sounds in the room being the sounds of fingers hitting their respective info pads. One could hear a pin drop. Yellow didn't mind the silence, but she knew it made her Pearl uncomfortable. Though perhaps that was exactly what she needed.

Blue choked back a sob as the final lash hit her backside. Tears sprung from her eyes and trickled down her cheeks. She stood up, wincing as her bottom creased, and saluted her Diamond. "Of course, my Diamond."
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Old December 9th, 2018, 01:52 PM   #129
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Yellow Pearl was indeed very nervous, she barely dared to make a noise at all. For a while everything went well, but then another report that required immediate action. "M-My Diamond." The pearl had to really concentrate to keep her voice from shaking. "Another report from one of the newer colonies. T-the Nephrites think we should... delay the invasion to give the organics a chance to leave..."

Blue Diamond nodded and put the strap away. "Very well, my Pearl." She turned to focus on her own work again. "Make sure to finish your work, because of the punishment you're a bit behind. Make sure you finish everything on time though."
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Old January 21st, 2019, 01:20 AM   #130
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(I'm sorry i dissapeared for like two months. I'll try to do better in the future)

Yellow Diamond scowled, bringing up the report. "Relay to their commander that there is to be no delays made on account of present organic life. If the organics cause trouble for colonization, she is instructed to remove them with all necessary force. I will not tolerate any further delays."

Blue Pearl bowed dutifully, even as doing so cause her rear and to cry out in pain. "Of course, My Diamond." She returned to her workstation, and began sorting the reports that had flowed into the court. She had hardly missed a minute of work, and yet she already felt swamped.
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aymer, homeworld, pearls, steven, universe

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