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Old May 30th, 2017, 10:02 PM   #21
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Out of the deer and pixies, these were the most nicest creatures he found. The ants seemed friendly aside from the carrying. It seemed that they had a different perspective on this world, being like the normal people who see the normal ones as giants, and pixies as their mortal enemies. From what he saw, the queen was welcoming to creatures her size.

He followed two ants through the corridor, leaving the throne room. On the way, he noticed a nervous-looking ant and wondered what would happen. True, Rhei gave a shudder upon the sounds of these smacks and high-pitched cries. It reminded him of his own spankings with the pixies and unintentional rearing by the doe.

So without another thought, he decided he would rest and allow himself to heal. "So how do you deal with aftermath spankings?"
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Old May 31st, 2017, 03:23 AM   #22
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The two female guardian ants led him deeper into the colony. "We have long been at war with the pixies, so finding a way to heal a smacked backside. Over the years, we have developed a special healing jelly which can effectively sooth the skin and heal the deeper bruises left by the pixies."

They continued through the winding tunnels passing the other ants, all looking at Rhei curiously. One of the ants spoke up. "If you are curious, the ant you saw led into the throne room was the sister in charge of guarding the section where you burrowed in. Though you posed no threat, the fact that she left her portion so vulnerable means that our mother had to dish out the appropriate penance. " Now the other ant spoke. "If you are confused, know that all the ants in the colony are the children of our grand queen, making all of us sisters, so be not confused if you hear us refer to each other as such."

They eventually reached a hollowed out section of dirt, where a viscous pale liquid was held by sacs of some sort of membrane. A large, flat raised section of earth was in the center of the chamber. "Now, remove you... outer skins and lie down on the table so that we may begin."
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Old June 1st, 2017, 02:45 PM   #23
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Rhei's bottom was throughly spanked, nothing seriously but a few marks left; overall, hos rear became the unfortunate target of a doe's flat head and a couple of her hooves, as well as the surprisingly hard hands of the pixies.

He felt that he should feel lucky, but in reality he felt awful. The minimised teen got her in trouble for digging into her own section, ending up with his little self carried down a line of ants to meet the queen. But he couldn't do anything now, as the spanking already started... he felt that he should stop her though... but oh well...

He wanted to know how they procreate if they were all sisters...

Emerald eyes blinked at the sign of that liquid which he thought was the jelly, face brightening only briefly before he faced the two ant ladies. "Outer skins? But, I only have... skin. Y'know?" He pinched his elbow to show them, as he had to remember that their skin was different.
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Old June 2nd, 2017, 03:18 AM   #24
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The two ants exchanged a confused look. "Do you not have outer skins you may remove, such as these?" Lifting him up on the table and lying him face down, the two ants took a hold of his waistband and brought it swiftly down, and repeated the action for his underwear, leaving his bottom bared on the table. The two ants examined it closely, prodding it with their... fingers?

"How odd. Your backside is in two sections, whereas ours are in one." One of the female ants turned around, showing Rhei her own bottom, which consisted of one large round section protruding from her abdomen. " I am not used to working with such a posterior.. but I will do my best." She moved to the container of jelly and removed some, bringing it to the table, where she began to rub it on Rhei's own bottom, which created a wonderful soothing sensation.
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Old June 2nd, 2017, 07:04 AM   #25
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Rhei widened his eyes once he was lifted by her appendages; after all, ants are strong but this was unexpected. The teen found himself lying on his front, and froze once his red bottom was already revealed. He opened his mouth to say his protests, but cringed once his rear was poked by these extremely strange fingers of the ants.

The boy, with a huge blush on his face turned around to match his eyes wit the single buttcheek, where if he heard closely, he could hear a faint heartbeat inside. He watched her take the container and faced forward with hands gripping onto the 'table', as healing liquids tend to hurt at first.

However, this immediately caused such a wondrous feeling that it was enough for the boy to give the same impression as a wet towel draped on a rack.
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Old June 5th, 2017, 03:26 AM   #26
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The two female workers worked in tandem, each working the near magical ointment into Rhei's throbbing rear. It's soothing sensation was remarkable, and soon his backside even began to change in color back to a pale white. Satisfied that they had done all they needed to, the redressed Rhei and stood him back up.

"We are glad that the treatment has worked much to your satisfaction. If you wish, we could give you a small amount to take with you when you leave." The other ant spoke up. "Also, you may choose if you wish to stay in the colony overnight or if you would rather leave. The choice is entirely up to you."
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Old June 5th, 2017, 08:26 AM   #27
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Rhei for the first time in a while, smiled. This was blissful, as it caused every spanking to be forgotten by simply washed over. The little teen didn't want it to end but when he felt the strange hands pull up his shorts and stand him, the boy reached two hands behind to rub his bottom, feeling entirely nothing.

"Thanks... I mean it." He said first before blinking at her offer. "What kind of amount d'ya mean? Do you mean food, or something like a weapon..." he also wanted to return to normal height...
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Old June 6th, 2017, 09:00 PM   #28
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"Oh, no, we meant a small amount of our healing solution. It seems like you may come to need some of it..." The ant went over to the depository of the fluid and siphoned some of it off into some sort of small membrane, and presented it to Rhei. "Take this as a token of our generosity."

Afterwards, the pair led Rhei down deeper into the colony. "We normally all sleep together in one large chamber, but we have been told to prepare for you a private place." They led him to an indent in the wall. "We hope that this will be to your satisfaction."
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Old June 6th, 2017, 09:09 PM   #29
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The young teen grinned when he was given the container and clasped it tightly. "Thanks. Hope it still stays like this..." he showed his gratitude. Once he found himself at the very place he would be sleeping, he widened his eyes slowly. "Ohhh... I never slept underground before... I hope we don't suffer a cave-in. I don't wanna die in my own sleep."
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Old June 9th, 2017, 02:51 AM   #30
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The ant laughed. "Do not worry. The walls of the cave are hardened so that they can never collapse. We hope you sleep well. Good night." With that, they left the small chamber.

Night came and went uneventfully. The next morning when Rhei awoke, the two ants were waiting for him. "The queen has requested that you appear before her before you depart. We believe she will be telling you how to return to your normal size." The other ant spoke up. "I would be careful, though. Try to stay away from the ant that got spanked if you see her. I imagine she is not happy with you..."
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