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Thick as Thieves (Verz)
Old March 27th, 2013, 04:17 AM   #1
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Default Thick as Thieves (Verz)

A secret hideout in Yokai Forest was hidden from all forms of sight. The hideout was a secret cave hidden behind a waterfall, where two thieves: one a Kappa and the other a Tanuki hid. These thieves were a dangerous duo of thieves and tricksters, having pillaged many towns and villages.

We focus on the Tanuki wobbling sickly as she walked into the hideout. But it wasn't that she was sick or hurt. No, she was drunk. Roaring drunk. She was laughing crazily and was still holding a jug of booze that her breath reeks of. She was giggling like everything was funny as she took another swig of booze. Wherever she was, she apparently had a good time.
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Old March 28th, 2013, 07:27 AM   #2
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The kappa was a bit of an oddball; aside from not belonging to a clan of her kind, Aka had learned to keep her head covered so not to allow the juices that strengthen her to spill and preferred to keep their lair somewhat furnished with 'tributed', or sometimes stolen, furniture.
She noticed her friend and partner in mischief stumble in drunk...again.
Aka did not mind the Tanukie's drinking all that much, but as she was the one most skilled at shape shifting, she was the one most often sent into town for the supplies they could not steal or did not receive (Aka being a local, and somewhat feared, Sujion) as tribute. This presented multiple problems, in this case, The drunken Tanukie had spent the last of their money, mostly stolen, on her current booze, irritating her roommate.
"Enjoying the last of our coin?" the irate Kappa asked, a hint of venom behind her otherwise sweet voice.
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Old March 28th, 2013, 11:15 AM   #3
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"Aka~" cheered the Tanuki as she kept laughing, still drunk off her ass, she didn't seem to notice the venom in her voice. But hey, with her dulled senses, she was lucky to have been able to find the hideout. "Y-you should-hic-try coming with your ol' pal Gin, ya know. Hic! Would be a lot more fun that way." laughed the intoxicated Tanuki, this not being Gin's first time having done this.

Last edited by Jac26qq308; March 28th, 2013 at 07:45 PM.
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Old March 29th, 2013, 03:45 AM   #4
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Aka gave Gin a wry smile "Would it now?" she gestured her friend to come closer "Ah, but that would leave less liquor for you to enjoy, wouldn't it?" the Kappa waited calmly for the Tanuki to draw nearer "and just how many bottles have you downed this time?" she asked softly when Gin came close enough; the annoyed Aka already had plans to dissuade her dear friend from drinking up their coin any time too soon.
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Old March 29th, 2013, 03:48 AM   #5
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Gin giggled as she walked over, "Yeah. HIC! Besides, w-w-who'd be my sober friend who helps me out all the time!" laughed Gin as she cluelessly walked over, "How many? HIC! Well, I think..." she began counting on her fingers, "Uh...three." she said, having held up seven fingers, beginning to laugh hysterically again, "Don't wo-w-worry HIC, bud. We can steal tons more!"
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Old March 29th, 2013, 04:11 AM   #6
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Aka effortlessly took the wasted Tanuki over her knee, pinning her friends arm behind her back. What the Kappa lacked with illusionary skills she more than made up for with her unnatural strength.
"Allow our friend to help sober you up then" She said with a more blatant grin, "More coin will surely come, but that does not excuse you to blow it all off as you please." She lectured evenly, patting Gins tush as she spoke
(Did Gin come back in her regular form or human guise? And does she bother to wear cloths when not disguised?)
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Old March 29th, 2013, 04:16 AM   #7
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Gin squirmed slightly, her short kimono peeking her tush as she squirmed, "Hey! Aka, I don't know what you be doing when-hic-I'm not around, but this kinky-hic-s-stuff ain't me." huffed the Tanuki girl as she kept squirming.

(Still in human guise. When not, she doesn't bother wearing close.
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Old March 29th, 2013, 04:40 AM   #8
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(I only ask because it might help in these situations^^)

Aka would have raised an eyebrow if she had any, taking her friend's comment as rude.
Raising her hand high, the Kappa retorted "I am not sure how drunk you are Gin, but this is not all that unfamiliar position for you" She brought her hand down hard on Gin's plump, bare, rear with a loud `WHAAP!` , noticing how it wobbled under her palm.
"And this `WHAPP!`will be `WHAAP!`happening a lot `SMACK!` more if you can not `WHAP!` control your drinking." she continued to lecture calmly as she continued.
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Old March 29th, 2013, 04:44 AM   #9
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"Ow! OW! OK-OW!-This hurts! OW!" It was becoming slowly clear that the drunken Tanuki was beginning to really start to feel this and wise up as she kicked her legs helplessly.
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Old March 29th, 2013, 07:57 AM   #10
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Aka watched Gin's bottom dance helplessly under her onslaught of slaps, taking some satisfaction from how it quickly turned a nice shade of pink.
"Are we starting to learn our lesson?" she asked, barely hinting the smugness in her voice,.
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