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Old January 22nd, 2024, 09:28 PM   #241
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Panthera17 is offline
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I have always wanted to see various characters find themselves in a situation that leads to a sore bottom, whether they did something foolish or it's a kink.

Characters I can see getting spanked:

Eriol Hiiragizawa (Cardcaptor Sakura) - While he was testing Sakura and helping her grow, if Touya knew or found out some of the things he did, he'd have him over his knee. You don't mess with people's lives, regardless if they were ever in danger or not. And you especially don't mess with or endanger his little sister.

Gary Oak (Pokémon) - This would be more from when he had been a brat. Sure, Ash can be one, but Gary I felt pushed the envelope and has needed or may have found himself getting spanked, either by Professor Oak or maybe a gym leader that didn't like his attitude.

Tracey Sketchit (Pokémon) - He's a sweet guy, but his enthusiasm to please Professor Oak I feel could get him in trouble. But Oak would comfort him after if he was forced to discipline him or someone else punished him and he came back visibly upset.

Colress (Pokémon) - Definitely a punishment he's earned. But I'd also want to see him getting some comfort after.

Archer (Pokémon game) - I don't know why, but I can see him getting spanked by his other Admins due to his obsession finding Giovanni. Or maybe getting spanked by Giovanni himself, both as a punishment and possibly a kink if it's Giovanni.

Butch (Pokémon) - As a minor character, it would be interesting to see him over someone's knee or bent over a desk while getting spanked. It could be from a higher agent, Giovanni himself, Cassidy if he did something that made her feel required to punish him. It could even be a kink where he gets spanked by either Cassidy or even James.

Eusine (Pokémon) - Could go both ways, more so if Morty is involved. Morty could spank him if his Suicune obsession gets way out of hand and needs to tone it down. It could also be something they do because it's a kink of theirs.

Ulquiorra Cifer (Bleach) - I can imagine him finding himself either over Aizen's lap or possibly Starrk's because he gets into an unnecessary fight with someone, likely Grimmjow, who would likely also find himself getting spanked. Doesn't have to be physical on his part, Ulquiorra could just push it too far with his words or the spanker gets sick of how he treats/views his fellow Espada and decides to put an end to it. Only reason I picked Starrk is because I feel that would be one of the few reasons he'd take action since he views the Espada as his comrades/friends. Starrk would also comfort him after I'm sure.

Nnoitra Gilga (Bleach) - I can picture him winding up with a sore bottom given his attitude. Tesra would be the one to comfort him or would try depending on how he is after being spanked and how upset he is from it.

Sōsuke Aizen (Bleach) - What hasn't he done to get spanked for? But I mostly would want to see his spankers consisting of Shinji, Kisuke, Ichigo, or Gin. They all have good reason to, though Gin might be funnier if instead of attempting to kill Aizen, he takes him off guard and spanks him instead.

Hanatarō Yamada (Bleach) - Poor guy gets picked on so much by his comrades in his own division. I feel they would trick him or something into situations that would lead to him getting spanked repeatedly. Unohana would always comfort him after and once finding out he was tricked, go after the guilty party. His older brother, Seinosuke, definitely would comfort Hanataro while going after whoever set his little brother up.

Suzaku (Yu-Yu Hakusho) - He would definitely deserve a nice long spanking after the events of Maze Castle. Either by Yusuke or a guard that can handle him had he survived.

Rex Raptor (Yu-Gi-Oh!) - He has been a brat at times and certainly deserves a good spanking for some of the stuff he's done. But would /should get comforted after it's done. Potential spankers I see would be Joey and Yami Yugi.

Weevil Underwood (Yu-Gi-Oh!) - He definitely deserves a firm spanking from cheating, stealing, etc. Not many might be willing to comfort him except maybe Yugi but it depends. As for spankers, Yami Yugi, Joey, maybe Pegasus if he had been outed to him during Duelist Kingdom, possibly Seto or one of his men working with Mokuba during Battle City when caught cheating as well.

Chase Young (Xiaolin Showdown) - I'd like to see Jack Spicer finally have enough of Chase's verbal abuse towards him and give him a well deserved spanking.

Lucifer (Ao No Exorcist) - It could be both punishment, a kink, or a mix of the two. I know some have written Lucifer to be a bit naive about human customs, so depending on the person, could take advantage or realize he needs a firm hand to guide him if he has any hope of succeeding with his plans.

Anti-Cosmo (Fairly OddParents) - I feel with what he's done, he would find himself getting spanked often. Could be by Cosmo if pushed just right, maybe Jorgen since he's often the one arresting him for any crimes he's done.

Sanderson (Fairly OddParents) - Same as with Anti-Cosmo, though Head Pixie could be another to spank him.

Tad and Chad (Fairly OddParents) - Could get themselves Fairy Godparents who decide to act like actual parents when seeing their behavior.

That's about all I could think of right now.
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Old February 9th, 2025, 11:32 PM   #242
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SunWukong is offline
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Definitely agree on Gary Oak! I'm also a Palletshipping fan, so I like the idea of years later, Ash spanking Gary for being such a brat when they were rivals. And to be honest, I think Gary retains some brattiness throughout the anime ;p
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