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Winter Holidays Short RP Ideas
Old December 30th, 2020, 05:12 PM   #1
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Default Winter Holidays Short RP Ideas

Here are some ideas for simple short RP(s) related to the season. I list them seperately, but they can be combined however you like, taking elements from different offers.

I am open to either role in those, or we can be top and bottom both if the RP allows more then one spanker and spankee. Spankee's gender would be preferably male, but the discussion is possible, and if we have many spankees they can be both boys and girls.

1) Family visit.

On holidays we travel and stay with the realtves, sometimes ones we haven't visit in years. A number of family members visits the houshold with very ftraditional approach to upbringing, which will be without options applied on all teh kids visiting (maybe even young edults, if they are technically the youngestr generation). Some awkward Christmas traditions would go great with that plot too!
May include elements of AB/DL (a bit or a lot), sissies, group spankings, corner times and more.

2) Mall Santa
A line of kids wishing to sit on your lap and tell you their wishes might be exhaisting, especially if they are spoiled, souldly demand PS5 or real pony, try to tear off your beard or maybe wet their panst while on your lap. Maybe Santa should take them over his lap in a different way?..

2.1) Maybe it's the whiole world, or maybe just one mall, but here kids are not that eager to meet the Santa. Not only does he take the letters with gift requests from those who behaved the whole year, but he takes teh naughty children over his lap as well. The parents make sure to bring thier kids to meet the Santa and give him the full report about their darlings' behaviour beforehand.

3) Unwrapping Their Gifts
Maybe the parents were reading come articales on parenting or discipline, or their kids ended up super naughty, or maybe Santa's real and he brought it based on his naughty list... In any ways, on Christmas morning the kids (once again, possibly including young adults) found in their stockings and under the tree some spanking implements and disciplinary devices. Which would be used immediately!
May include figging, elements of sisisfication and AB/DL, enemas an more!

4) Baby New Year
One of the kids in the family (or in class at school maybe?) is chosen to play the New Year as a baby, or maybe the newborn baby Jesus in a holiday celebration or a public parade across the town. Maybe he was not cooperative enough about going in piblic in just a swaddling cloth, or maybe it's part of the tradition, but the chosen kid would have quite a red behind in the end of the holiday!

VM or PM me if interested. And don't forget to check my resume to see what to ecpect. If you have other ideas of that kind, you can share them with me too!

Happy holidays, everyone!
Attention! The situation in my country, as well as the situation on my workplace (which is connected to each other) leave me little to no time, nor mental stability to RP. I cannot start any new RPs, even if I've suggested them before.
I will try to respond then I can, but the pauses might be long. I am very sorry.
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Old December 30th, 2020, 06:15 PM   #2
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Very nice ideas, if you are looking for a fat boy spanked, I am here. Happy holidays
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Old December 30th, 2020, 06:59 PM   #3
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MinkCar is offline
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I'd be down to do some of these! Please VM or DM me if you're still searching!
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Old December 31st, 2020, 08:02 PM   #4
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guardianjohran is offline
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The 'Mall Santa' idea is wonderful!
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Old January 1st, 2021, 03:26 AM   #5
Tableleg0 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 83

These all sound pretty fun, especially the second Mall Santa option! Feel free to DM me!
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abdl, christmas, family, holidays, humiliation, ideas, santa, short, winter, x/m

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