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The Teacher's Lesson (for Nero Ritsuko)
Old April 22nd, 2016, 10:13 PM   #1
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Default The Teacher's Lesson (for Nero Ritsuko)

Stefan sighed, disgruntled, running a hand through his thick black hair as he tried to decipher his student's handwriting on this homework assignment. A few years ago, he'd had to start wearing glasses, but they didn't do anything to make messy handwriting easier to read. The noise of the cafe he was sitting in didn't help either.

To his students, he was known as Mr Young. It had been appropriate when he had started, he'd been a high school teacher for just over ten years now and he was only in his mid thirties. Despite the stress the job brought him, he was still rather youthful looking. He had a handsome face, with dark brown eyes and high cheek bones.

He wasn't particularly suited to being a high school teacher. He taught English, and while Stefan was intelligent and well read, he was impatient and he had little time for his students who couldn't keep up with his lessons. This had earned him a reputation quickly. He wasn't particularly popular with the students, apart from the few students who seemed to have a childish crush on him because he was younger than most of the other teachers and unmarried, but that didn't bother him in the slightest.

"This guy must be an idiot..." He muttered to himself in frustration, his short temper showing as he marked in red the tenth mistake in a row on the student's worksheet.
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Old April 22nd, 2016, 11:54 PM   #2
The Young Bratling
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Hearing the voice, Mark Turner turned to face him. He was the guy that was being talked about in this exam, he hasn't studied for it because he was working at his part time job. It wasn't his fault that he couldn't cram some study time in his work, he's dead beat boss wouldn't let him take abreak.

Now hearing Stefano talk about him made his heart sank...he was pissed. "What did you say?"

Meet the Ritsuko Mastermind and creator. Me! Name's Chris, nice to meet ya.
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Old April 22nd, 2016, 11:58 PM   #3
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Stefan blinked when he heard the familiar voice and looked up to see Mark sitting near him.

Typical, just my luck. He thought to himself. He was never fond of running into students outside of class, and Mark Turner was no exception.

"Are you eavesdropping on your teacher, Turner?" He asked, folding his arms across his chest. "Mind your own business." He clicked the pen irritably and went back to circling the incorrect answers in red.
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Old April 23rd, 2016, 12:20 AM   #4
The Young Bratling
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"I came in to ask you a question about the Homework assignment tonight and here you are talking to yourself about me!" Mark accused, narrowing his eyes in anger.

Meet the Ritsuko Mastermind and creator. Me! Name's Chris, nice to meet ya.
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Old April 23rd, 2016, 12:23 AM   #5
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"You had plenty of time to ask me questions in class," Stefan replied, waving his hand dismissively at the student. "Now would you please leave me alone? I have rather a lot of work to do."

The teacher would normally have been more annoyed that his student was raising his voice at him, but they were out of class and honestly, he just wanted to finish this marking and head home.
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Old April 23rd, 2016, 12:27 AM   #6
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Mark bawled up his fists at his teacher. He wanted to clock him right in his pretty boy face. "How about no! I'm gonna stand right here and talk to you on why you think it's okay to talk down to a pupil!"

Meet the Ritsuko Mastermind and creator. Me! Name's Chris, nice to meet ya.
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Old April 23rd, 2016, 12:33 AM   #7
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Stefan felt himself rolling his eyes and he stood up, putting down the money for the coffee he'd ordered. He collected up the work he'd been marking and put it in his briefcase.

"Don't make a scene, Turner." He said, as he was doing this.

It was too noisy to work here anyway, and now that one of his students was causing a scene, he thought he would work better at home.

"I'll see you in class tomorrow," he told him curtly, turning and starting to leave the cafe to go to his car, which was parked outside.
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Old April 23rd, 2016, 12:37 AM   #8
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Mark watched the older male gather his belongings and head for the car. Stefan didn't even bother to help Mark! And now mark was beyond pissed. He ran behind and yelled.

"You bastard!!!" He yelled and tackled him from behind!

Meet the Ritsuko Mastermind and creator. Me! Name's Chris, nice to meet ya.
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Old April 23rd, 2016, 12:41 AM   #9
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Needless to say, it completely caught the rather slightly built teacher off guard.
Stefan was somewhat tall at 5'10, but he had quite a narrow frame, and was easily knocked off his feet by Mark's tackle.

He hit the ground with a cry of surprise, but then quickly started to collect himself and realise what had happened.

"Y-You... You are definitely getting expelled, Turner!" He threatened, "How dare you lay a hand on a teacher!"

He was obviously angry, but it was clear he was also still somewhat in shock at Mark's actually tackling him.
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Old April 23rd, 2016, 12:45 AM   #10
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Mark got up and looked at with anger in his eyes. He cant believe what he just did, but the teacher made him so angry. So angry that he was also intimidating to the others that were looking their way.

"I don't care! And before I go...perhaps I should teach a lesson...teacher!" He said as he stomped towards him.

Meet the Ritsuko Mastermind and creator. Me! Name's Chris, nice to meet ya.
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lesson, nero, ritsuko, teacher

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