This looks fantastic... and F/M too! Woo hoo!
But yeah, I'd want a proper exe exported version rather than a browser one to try it. Would be instant download and play in that case!
Also, thanks. *blush*. The book should probably be "SpanQuest DX" though, or co-authored by Bagool.
EDIT: Thanks for including the "maker" file, I was able to open the game in RPG Maker MV and then export to Windows and play the exe version. Great work so far! I LOVE the character designs - it's so hard to make "sexy" characters using just portraits and chibi sprites, IMO, but you've done great, especially with the expressions. The MC is probably my favourite design of a male MC in any spanking RPGMMV game so far, too.
First thing: the menus are all in french. I presume you knew that though, right? Out of curiosity, are you using a translation plugin, making both an english and french version or just english? Also, I think you should use a non-standard menu since most of the options aren't being used. PM me if you need a few suggestions!
Second thing: I can't thank you enough for a pure F/M game! Definitely my "thing" and not enough of them here! This could easily become my favourite spanking game here, I think, just because it's all F/M and the characters and dialog really appeal to me personally.
Brittany is my favourite character so far... I love how mean she is! LOL! Betty's brattiness and her face expressions are hilariously cool. I loved Alice and her "crush"! Principal Vera and her "Sophie's Choice" was really hot, too.
Great use of emotion balloons too; given the limitations of RPG Maker, not enough people use them, IMO. (I have a "blush" custom balloon if you want it, incidentally).
Actually, my main request would be for more options and choices, particularly during dialog. For example, Brittany is in the bathroom and I can only say "Please, My Queen" when she tells me too rather than refusing or sassing her... and then when Hilda confronts me upstairs, I can't tell her about Brittney (even if this still leads to a spanking, which would be fine). I always think there are two ways to go with a spanking game like this: either a huge sprawling game like the SpanQuest games with lots and lots to do, but not a lot of options in individual scenes and not a lot of character development... or a shorter, more focused game like Life Lessons where the actual game is quite short but there are lots of different "paths" and interactive options. Another example would be Alice... I'd like to be able to choose to be mean or nice to her, for example, rather than being forced to push her (maybe not doing so makes Colin mad at you, and he starts a fight with you and THAT gets you in trouble with the principal instead of pushing Alice, leading to a slightly different scene maybe where you *and* Colin get spanked... or maybe fighting is less severe than pushing a girl so you just get paddled and not whipped?). I'd at least like a bit more interaction during spankings (such as refusing to raise my bottom for Vera's paddle, getting to choose whether to beg or stay silent, etc.).
Also, when sent to the corner... it took me awhile to figure out where Hilda meant. I'd suggest either animating the correct spot with a "sparkle" or something to direct the player... or (better) actually time the player if they take awhile getting into place and increase the punishment if they do. Maybe even both?

I had a similar issue figuring out where to stand at school for the soccer game, too.
As much as I love the portraits you've done, the generic ones used for some people (mainly classmates) can be a bit distracting. I know it's a pain, but it would be awesome if they had their own designs, IMO. A minor thing, though.
As very minor thing: for a very female-dominant society it surprised me how many male supervisors and teachers were at school. Maybe more should be female?
Finally, I'd like to offer to assist you if you were interested in the translation, since it can be a bit stilted at times (I never once didn't understand what was going on, though) and you said English wasn't your native language. I'd be very happy to help with "localization" (making the English "flow" better). If you're interested, let me know. No problems if not, though. Again, regardless, the actual dialog is already lots of fun and despite not being a native English-speaker, the individual voice of each character comes through *very* clearly, which is excellent. For these RPGM games with no actual spanking art, for me the key to "hot or not" is almost always the writing and dialog, and this game definitely pushed my buttons!
I'd also be happy to help with any graphical needs (custom or just stuff in my massive collection!), especially for character sprites/faces, as I've just recently put together a comprehensive large library of "generator parts", mainly for modern characters which are much harder to find things for. For example, I normally don't care about sprite changes during spankings, but it would be cool if the MC had no pants during the "fetch the paddle" sequence (love those bully girls, by the way... disappointed they didn't do anything else to me when I had to walk past them without pants!).
One last question: the setting seems like modern and "present day" despite being an alternate universe (love the explanation at the start, very similar to one I came up with for another project, too!), which is extra cool... but then why is there a giant castle in the middle of town?! LOL!
PS Forgot to say how funny I found Mrs. Evergreen! Love her design and "feminist agenda"! LOL!!!
PPS Wow, I just found the group at the bar... I'm now doubly honored (and feel undeserving) to be in such fine company!!! Did you know Leonardo's art was some of the first spanking art I ever found (in an Australian printed magazine, before I had the internet!)... and PMD's art was one of the first I found online. Very cool easter egg. No JayEm though? :P
Here and
here are "presents" for you if you want to use these.