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December 4th, 2013, 04:18 AM
A viking.
Mjølner is online now
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For having something against smugness and winks, Lys is led to a lush, peaceful forest. There a random troll passes by and gets a switch out as he bends her over his lap. He proceeds to switch her bare backside until it`s red.
December 4th, 2013, 01:46 PM
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SuzieQzie is offline
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Lys is caught in the big arms of Dr.Swatch. She is shocked to see that he is a strong, tall and handsome lilac haired man. His suit revealing his firm physique and electric, blue eyes yearning. His long, dark eyebrows frown at her as she struggles in his arms.
He walks down a long hallway, with patient strides until he reaches a comfortable looking couch.
Still holding Lys in his arms, he gently sits.
Steadily he removes her clothing starting from her shirt, unhooks her bra, and tosses them both to the side. As he keeps one large hand on her exposed back, he uses the other hand to smack her backside once.
The doctor smiles to himself, and proceeds to remove her pants, and pulling her panties off
Fully exposed, the doctor allows his hand to caress her smooth body. He runs his large hand around her backside before lifting it back up to release a powerful slap.
He continues again, multiple times with the hard slaps. His kissable lips form into a smile as he moves his hand back up her body, tickling her neck.
When the spanking ends, he sits her on his lap and lays her head on his chest. He laughs at his own antics and the fact he created a nice, red bottom.
---------- Post added at 01:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:39 PM ----------
In the front of the doctor's office, a young nurse named Ms. Chang meets Mj. Needing to do a thorough bodily examination, she asks him to remove his clothing. After he is good and bare, she bends him over and asks him to cough.
While he is bent over, Ms.Chang removes the ruler from her clipboard and paddles his backside merciously.
"This is part of my exam. When I am finished, I must massage your toes." She adds randomly.
For this is the doctor's office of the fetish.
My name is MintyRacer! I'm super adorable, minty, and one hell of a racer.
December 4th, 2013, 10:57 PM
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"Mixing answers and persons you want to spank? No way!" MintyRacer suddenly hears behind her back as she finishes the previous post. She looks back and sees a demon! He has a form of attractive human male wearing only a leather loincloth, with muscular swarthy body, long black hair and eyes glowing red as burning couls. This and a pair of onyx-black long horns confirm that he is not an ordinar human.
He grabbs MintyRacer's ear firmly and lifts her from her chair. Ignoring her protests, demon leads her to her bed, takes a seat and quickly pools his prey's pants, along with underwear, to her ankles, and pulls her shirt and bra up, so she's embarrassingly exposed in all the right places. Then the demon bends MintyRacer over his lap, way too strong to resist him...
He uses just his palm, but that spanking would hardly be more severe if any device was involved. Firm and fast strikes delivered by strong experienced hand fall over poor unprotected bottom like thunder. The demon ignores pleading, cries and tears and holds the girl firmly, so all the wiggling is in vain too. Finally, then MintyRacer's behind, especially sitting spots, are deep-red all over, and she howls loudly, the demon lets her go with a sinful grin... Just yo order her to stand with her backside turned to the window and her hands on her head, so someone could see Minty's hot buns from the street. Only after she spends some time in that position under his mocking look, the demon dissappears in flames and fetid smoke.
December 5th, 2013, 12:07 AM
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Souvenir-Rose is offline
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Jinchu finds himself being poked gently in the upper half of his left arm, before finding a rather timid looking Souvenir-Rose, clad in a yellow T-shirt with a black outline of a big happy face, with suspenders connected to a black skirt, legs clad in black stockings, and black boots, with her brown hair down in a sort of 'hime-cut' fashion in the front, with a pony tail in the back held by a yellow bow. As she suddenly reached forward and tugs on his ear, waving a finger in his face.
"O-one should not mess with dark powers! ;o;" Is the reason given, in reference to summoning a spanking demon, as he finds himself tugged across her lap without warning, his bottom bared, all the way no less, pants and underpants tugged to the floor, leaving Jinchu naked from the waist down. Then without warning, a firm series of smacks land across his bare tush, continuing for a good few moments, smack after smack, painting Jinchu's bare behind a nice shade of light red!
Then he is made to shuffle over and fetch the hairbrush, which, after being delivered, he finds himself once again, over Rose's knee, and a mighty hard hair brushing is given, wood connecting with bouncing flesh, alongside scolding were the sound filling the room, until after a couple of minutes or so later, Jinchu is stood right up, marched straight to the corner, and made to display his bright red bottom! Whilst Rose shuffles away >o>;
December 5th, 2013, 12:31 AM
Lys is offline
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Lys won't have any of that cowardly attitude within the game, and seizes the fleeing Rose gently by her ponytail. She leads her to the exact same chair she just carried out Jinchu's punishment upon, takes a seat, and drapes the timid young woman across her lap, securing her there with her left arm, while her right strokes across the seat of Rose's skirt, sizing up the bottom, which seemed to be quite round. An excellent target indeed!
"Thought you could give a spanking without getting one?" Lys demands as she casually flips up the woman's black skirt. "I'm afraid that's not how it works around here, young lady..." The woman's panties find themselves wrapped around her knees, fully exposing her bare bottom.
The spanking begins! The poor girl's bare bottom is given a sound thrashing, bouncing about as the sounds of sharp smacks bounce of the walls. Next, Lys takes up the very same hairbrush.
"You need a proper welcoming to this game..."
The punishment resumes, and the tearful Rose, her bottom and upper thighs a thorough shade of red is sent to the corner next to Jinchu, where her skirt is folded up, allowing her spanked bottom to be displayed. Lys stands up, awaiting the next poster with a brave face, in order to show the new gal how players should take their imminent punishments.
December 5th, 2013, 12:46 AM
Battlemech Mercanary
shadowsong2b is offline
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In a mild fit of Head trauma (slipped on the ice here and hit my head) induced rage I lead Lys to a large Arcade, were she's stripped from the waist down and made to play Dance Dance Revolution 4 (or whatever the latest one is) However with every wrong key she hits a large paddle with air holes drilled in smacks into her butt or thighs, she's made to play for hours until her butt is deep crimson and very sore.
My AOTK Family: Seataxiu, Mavrick the Mutt and eastjesusnowhere (Son's) KingCrowly (Daughter) Spankee Yuki (Nephew) Animegirl2012 (Niece) Cleverfox (Daughter/fox girl) Chibi-chan (daughter) Sassy_world900 (daughter) Nane (Daughter)Rissa (Daughter) Animefan23(Daughter) (Pippy-Kun: Newest member!) Note: If Found lost Please Spank and Return.
December 5th, 2013, 02:53 AM
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Shadowsong finds himself without pants, shoes, socks or underwear all of a sudden, as a pair of robotic hands have tugged them right off, and lifted him into the air for them to fall neatly into a little bin, shirt removed too, leaving him exposed to the elements! Clad in his birthday suit, and hoisted in the air, where he finds himself bent over held by his legs and arms, and a glove covered hand patting and caressing his bare behind... and then, a series of smacks ring out without any warning. Firm, rhythmic swats rain down against the exposed cheeks, sitspots, thighs, every area is not spared from the firm robotic discipline. In the four walled room where he is being held and spanked, one of the walls actually lighten up, to reveal the outside world, comprised of various people walking about, and doing their daily activities! Until they stop to stare at the sight of Shadowsong, getting a nice warm bottom by the mechanic device, which isn't not stopping until his tush is bright cherry red and left very tearful, where he is forced into corner time right in front of the see through wall, with photo snapping citizens and all.
All for not being up to date on DDR.
December 5th, 2013, 04:34 AM
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Bagool is offline
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Souvenir-Rose heard knocking on her bedroom window, and opened it only for a blast of cool air to rush in. She is lifted in the air by her shirt until she is barely able to stand on tip-toes. Rustling and banging is heard as a variety of homely spanking implements (Hairbrush, Belt, Wooden Spoon) glide into the room. Her invisible spanker goes to town on her bottom for a good 10 minutes, at that point her bottom is very red, and hot to the touch.
For uhh... not including 2b in shadowsong2b's name.
December 5th, 2013, 06:33 AM
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Crippledk lies in their bed, and then the blanket is replaced and PJ pants and undereear pulled down carefully... And then crippledk suddenly awakes because of loud slap! Crippledk can't see who delivered it, becsuse theit back is firmly pressed with someones knee snd it's impossible to look back. Meanehile the dpanking continues - not very hard, gentle even, creating more noise anf bouncing then actual pain. But ctippledk's butt is still rather warm as it finishes and mysterious spanker disappesrs leaving only the note "For silly reasne to spank domeone"....
December 6th, 2013, 04:51 AM
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SuzieQzie is offline
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For disrupting those who are sleeping, Jinchu is punished with a spanking. Jinchu is placed in a girl's school uniform and seated in the front desk of Mr.Terrific's class.
Mr.Terrific pulls Jin by his ear and pulls him to the teacher's desk, and tosses him over it. The elegant man lifts up his student's skirt to reveal the boy's white cotton panties.
With both hands he lowers the garments to his ankles, revealing a sugar-cookie colored bottom, untouched.
"Your grades were abdolutely terrific!" he scolds, grabbing the long, flexable ruler from the chalkboard.
A sheet of paper about to fall off the table's edge, is snatched by the teacher. He holds the paper, which is Jinchu's test, in front of his eyes.
"You got the definition of terrific incorrect! Terrific does not mean to describe greatness, but to define fear and terror!" He explains.
"Allow me to demonstrate this meaning." He implies.
Jinchu is firmly given fifteen terrific thrashes on his sweet bottom.
Btw... I loved your post about the demon spanking, I'm a sucker for demons
My name is MintyRacer! I'm super adorable, minty, and one hell of a racer.
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