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February 14th, 2018, 03:05 PM
jill9511 is offline
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Originally Posted by asherdumort
I run it in a window and yes, f1 and f12 do work. To clarify the char's movement, If I press the 'down' arrow he faces left and the 'right' arrow he faces up ( facing the closet ) That's it. I'm not sure but my mouse doesn't work for movement either, though not sure if it's enabled for this game.
I had a thought last night, do you know what your keyboard layout is configured to; i.e. US standard, UK standard, etc.? I found this I am not sure if it will help and not sure about the exe https://rpgmaker.net/forum/topics/10970/. The other thing I have seen is it might be an issue with the keyboard drive in windows, so maybe uninstall the drive and reboot to force windows to reinstall the keyboard driver.
February 15th, 2018, 02:40 AM
SariaSong is offline
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I've been playing through the new update, and I really like the redesigned school. The bully character seems interesting.  I liked how she reacted differently based on the amulet you were wearing.
I did notice a bug, though. If you try to steal the book from the library in the starting town and get caught, the game freezes after the spanking is over. The only way to get through that scene is to steal the book and go through cornertime. I know the update notes say that it was fixed, but it's still there.
Speaking of the patch notes, I noticed a reference to a "wet pants" problem and was wondering where that was? Haven't been able to find any scene like that. In general, I can't seem to find many of the scenes in the academy like the nurse one or getting into the storeroom.
February 15th, 2018, 03:03 PM
Very Bad Little Girl!
milf is offline
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Wondering, is there an option for the bully to spank the MC? Have not found a way in main quest yet.... Maybe in NG+?
"An spanking a day keeps naughty away.... And spanko's happy, happy, happy!"
February 15th, 2018, 03:31 PM
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Banjo is offline
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Just a quick heads up to everyone that I'm away from the computer for the next four or five days. Please keep the comments (and bug reports) coming, though. I'll catch up on outstanding PMs, emails and replies when I get back!
Oh, and the docks are now done for the next update, and are kind of cool IMO, with a few hints of new content and quests to come...
Originally Posted by milf
Wondering, is there an option for the bully to spank the MC? Have not found a way in main quest yet.... Maybe in NG+?
You mean Angie? If you approach her without the Hall Monitor Armband, she will try to "shake you down" for your lunch money... depending on how you respond, you can get walloped by her!
You can also show "submission" (by overpaying her, for example), which unlocks an "ask for spanking" option as well as having her share her cigarettes with you. Right now, neither option triggers anything fun, but this will definitely be expanded on in a future update ('cos I really like meanie Angie! Shh!).
If you didn't mean Angie (i.e. you mean TJ or the horrid girl at the festival)... no, I don't think so, but NG+ for either would be possible (though more likely for the festival brat, to be honest).
February 15th, 2018, 04:49 PM
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b0rni is offline
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thanks for clearing that up. Couldn't trigger Angies spanking scene at first and thought it wasn't in the game yet.
After a few tries i found that the scene (understandably) won't trigger when I had the Amulet of Naughtiness equiped.
February 15th, 2018, 05:06 PM
Very Bad Little Girl!
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Ahh so you have to take off the amulet...
"An spanking a day keeps naughty away.... And spanko's happy, happy, happy!"
February 15th, 2018, 05:06 PM
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b0rni is offline
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yep, took me longer than i want to admit to figure that out
Last edited by b0rni; February 15th, 2018 at 05:27 PM.
February 15th, 2018, 05:16 PM
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Gojira01 is offline
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Banjo - Just a minor nitpick. The quest briefing for "Mirror, Mirror" states the room is on the 2nd floor, but Cosmina and the map label both refer to it as the 3rd floor. I'm assuming this is due to the diiff. in how various countries label the ground floor as 1st or not.
February 15th, 2018, 09:07 PM
Fuzzywonder is offline
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Sorry if this been asked before.
But how do you progress the story after talking to the king and getting the book in the castle library?
February 15th, 2018, 09:58 PM
jill9511 is offline
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Originally Posted by strapjob
Sorry if this been asked before.
But how do you progress the story after talking to the king and getting the book in the castle library?
You might want to have a look around the castle
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