The Goddess and Criminal an idea
Sorry in advance if this is the wrong place to put this post but i'm not use to using forums.
So I've got an idea that been in my head for a while. however due to a combined effort of being broke and school issues i'll just post the base idea here for anyone interested.
So the story is that the a criminal mastermind is sent to the goddess of redemption to atone for his crimes by way of rejuvenate. Its a basic story but i wanna spice it up the gameplay with replayability and player choice.
Both the goddess and criminal have different goals and how you go about these goals will effect gameplay. The goddess for example is trying to reform the criminal so you can be a stern yet loving mother, a wrathful goddess or a just beat him till he breaks.
The criminal is trying to escape not his punishment but also his current child like body. be a complete brat, a remorseful soul or slowly change for the better.
Like i said this is just an idea that's been in my head for a while now so if anyone is interested all i ask is to give me credit.