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Old February 21st, 2019, 11:13 PM   #21
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For now, Dawne decided to silently brood, indeed choosing to shut up rather than letting her mouth get her into trouble like it so often did as of late. She sat away from the rug, looking away and fuming at the wagon so that her annoyance at the situation could be directed towards something that would not beat her for her insolence, of which there was plenty. The girl stayed like this as Mikitah started up the lamp, still sitting down with all of her body language telling just how pouty she really was. It was only when the man addressed her that she looked back towards him, but not before taking a moment to clear her face of any attitude.

"Fine." She said, mostly without the tone, but still unable to completely quell her sass. As she turned around, she considered the two options before her. What did each option mean? Would dusting herself off seem complacent and willing despite being able to keep some modesty, at least as much as one could in this harem outfit? Would taking her clothes off be a powerplay move, an act of defiance that, while exposing her, would still show her pride in some way? The woman softly hummed, but then knew what choice she was going to make.
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Old February 23rd, 2019, 06:03 AM   #22
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Wasting no time, Mikitah's free hand took hold of her long white tail. Pulling it near taught, he felt his way down to the base. He looped the collar around it, just behind her rear end, and snapped it closed. "There. I reckoned you may not want the collar choking you all the time. I'd call this an amiable solution." He attached the lead to the collar on her tail, and took the other end and looped it around one of the stilts holding up the canvas roof. "Alright. That should give you enough leeway to get outside without yankin' your pretty little tail." He assumed that she would rather go outside and dust herself off than disrobe in front of him. That was fine, for now. He'd see her plenty without her clothes in the future. He'd allow her hr dignity, at least for now.
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Old February 27th, 2019, 09:45 PM   #23
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Dawne's whole body tensed up when she felt her tail get grabbed by Mikitah and a collar strapped around it. Her nostrils flared up and she looked back over her shoulder towards the man, but she didn't say anything, knowing better than to say or do anything that would get her into even further trouble; she knew that she was already on thin ice with her Master as it was. She did swish her tail around a few times, though, her body protesting this collar around such an important part of her person. Her tail was more important than her neck. Most Solarian peasants were not kemonomimi like she was; it was far more common amongst the nobles, so to have her tail be the thing that was collared had the girl quite pouty. Then, the man let her go free to make her choice. She made it instantly.

Dawne took off her clothes, bit by bit, until she was naked. She piled them up neatly to the side. Her clean-shaven, curvy body was now fully on display to Mikitah and he hadn't even had to order her to do it. She wanted to do it, though. It was, to her, the more dignifying choice. She could have retained her physical dignity, but her mental dignity came from being able to choose to not hide herself, from being able to choose to go against what Mikitah thought that she would do.
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Old March 1st, 2019, 11:15 PM   #24
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Mikitah smiled as she slowly undressed herself, admiring her every curve. "Well, I'll say, I didn't expect that. Not that I'm going to be complaining any time soon." Looking over her, he was glad to have bought her. She certainly had the curves of a girl who had never wanted for food. Her skin was radiant, with hardly a blemish save the marks of her recent punishments. Oh, he would add to those before too long. Those were marks he could live with. Her tail seemed to have an anxiety all it's own as it swished behind her. "I must say, you do have a stunning figure. Surely every man in your hometown wanted to bed you. Not to mention a few characters out here."

He reclined on the bedroll, beckoning her over. "You're gonna be sleeping with me, honey. No use in puttin' up a fight about it, that's just how it's gonna be." He moved over, making room for her next to him. "It'll sure as hell beat being cold at night. A nice, warm, naked woman pressed up against me is more than I can ask for." Not that he particularly had to ask.
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Old March 2nd, 2019, 05:28 AM   #25
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"I was given a choice and I was quite happy to make the choice my own, even - and especially - if it goes against the expectations of my person." Dawne said with a firm nod of her head. "I may be a slave, but I will take any opportunity to prove that I am still my own person. Though... it seems like more and more each day that I will have to accept that I am a slave, at least for the time being until the Solarians win this war." There was something from her tone that said she wasn't entirely convinced that the Solarians were going to have such a decisive win that she'd be saved and now that they were going to be travelling, her fate seemed all but sealed before her.

For now, the best course of action seemed to be that she would have to accept what was happening, that she was a slave for the time being and that she should at least try to not make Mikitah mad. So when the man said that she had to join him for bed, at first Dawne seemed to puff up a bit in protest, but then she relaxed, sighed, and nodded her head. "If that's what you wish." Dawne said before going over to Mikitah and then laying down next to the man, her face burning a bright shade of red at being this close to him while she was naked; she hadn't expected to sleep with him.
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Old March 14th, 2019, 10:29 PM   #26
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Mikitah placed his arm around her, fingers dancing dangerously close to her chest. "Well, it certainly ain't what I expected. A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one." He pressed against her, feeling every inch of her bare skin. "You had best be quick about accepting it, girl. And don't be holdin' out for your great empire to come rescue you; we'll be further away with each day." His mouth trailed behind her neck. "Nobody's here for you, except for me." Without warning, he reached down and grabbed her rear. "But hear this, girl. If I think for even one second that you've disrespected me, that you've gone against me, I will not wait to make your life a living hell. I've had slaves before; none of them that went against me willfully lasted too long before they stopped."
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Old March 16th, 2019, 05:10 PM   #27
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At first, Dawne simply pouted a little bit at Mikitah's words, but mostly it was how close they were. Fingers were nearly at her naked breasts and she could feel the man's warm breath on her neck. It was more intimate than she'd been with a man in a long while; the people who took her captive and then the slave seller had all made a point not to sleep with her, as such an act would have surely ruined her value. As she listened to Mikitah's words, Dawne's body lightly shivered from her ears to her tail. The wolf had already long accepted that in her new life, she'd be in intimate positions like this, but now it was actually getting close to that.

Then, Mikitah's hand found her rather plump rear finally and grabbed it. Dawne let out a loud squeak at the unexpected touch and her body, acting on instinct, sent her tail to slap against Mikitah's face as she was so unused to being touched so intimately like this. Dawne's face burned even brighter and her body froze when she realized what she'd just accidentally done. "I'm sorry! It was an accident!"
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