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Jan.15th 2021: Tiny update!
I have finally squashed the gender-swapping bug! At least I hope so. Download the new version and start a new game if you want to play through again, this time without reverting to the female sprite. In case it still happens for some reason, I have added a Gender Wand, which you will find in your room in the same drawer as the healing amulet. (In your room in the game, sadly not in your actual room in real life.) Use it at your own risk, and however you like - it should also work in case you want to swap back and forth, just like in Assassin's Creed Valhalla.
As a little bonus, you can now talk a little with Kaeli, after you find the communication amulet. But only the "So..." option has anything in it. It's very much a work in progress.
Dec.21st 2020: Medium sized update
As promised, here's something to cheer you up before the end of this horrible year. Kind of a bigger sneak peek on what's to come in this game. Next big update will come in about three months. Now:
- I strongly recommend starting a new game, as I edited some stuff that happens under the hood right at the beginning
- you can finally progress past the portal scene. Please save your game right before entering the portal, as there's a choice you have to make after going through the portal that may or may not lock you out of one possible spanking scene. If you want to experience all of the new content, you'll want to try both options.
- you get to interact with Umma!
- after you find Leigh in the new location, you can either take Leigh or Umma with you as you explore (you can switch between them at the inn). Your companions have different reactions to what happens, and offer different paths to solving things. This will be used extensively in the future, but for now you can at least have a taste of it
- romance with Leigh and Umma is almost fully implemented, but you won't get to see all of it, which is how it should be, otherwise there'd be no surprises for later
- you'll get to talk to Kaeli again in this update
- there's a list of spanking scenes available that I added to the main folder, and I will copy it here too. Check it out if you want to get all the spanking content
- beware, there will probably be bugs, and some areas are empty as of now. Save often.
- Capriel/Capriella: caning for PC
- Manuel/Mayla: hairbrush for Leigh, possibly also for PC
- Fancelot/Fancelotte: belt for PC or Leigh, only possible before Rusty is charmed
- Maid and Janitor: hand spanking for PC and Leigh, or Maid and Janitor spanked instead
- Varro/Varra and Connie: depending how the scene above goes, they cane either Maid and Janitor, or PC and Leigh, or all of them.
- Cook: wooden spoon either for PC or Leigh
- Snayle: paddling, shorter over clothes or longer on the bare, for both PC and Leigh
- Nikalla: whipping, milder and without audience if PC throws Gartophel and Ellesdee under the bus
- Patrigue: consensual hand spanking/hairbrushing/caning for PC (repeatable)
- Golem: spanking for PC or Leigh
- Tentacle plant: Possible spanking, caning, paddling, and various sexual content (repeatable). While choosing "just pain", there are 5 different possible outcomes, picked at random.
- Spanking bench in the cellar: spanking for fun (Leigh/PC or PC/Leigh) with possible sexual content if romance with Leigh is 6 or higher, punishment spankings for various 'debts' (hairbrush for the situation with Mayla, Leigh mentioning having a healing amulet after caning from Varro/Varra - if both admit they stole one, mutual birching, Leigh spanks PC for trying to invent a reason for punishment, or for being too harsh, Leigh can spank PC if Leigh was spanked by Golem)
- Umma: hand spanking outdoors, if PC confesses to helping Leigh straight away. If PC lies about it, there's later an option to get spanked for it when Communication Amulet is found
- Umma spanks Leigh, PC can listen at the door
- Umma Annoyance: accessed through the "can we talk?" option in Umma's room. Hand spanking (if Annoyance is between 1 and 7) or paddling (if Annoyance is 8 or higher)
- Shopkeeper Peyl: when trying to steal implements (possible only with Leigh) there is a chance Peyl sees you and punishes you with the implemement. If you get caught three times, the fourth time you will be sent to jail, which unlocks the Shoan whipping scene. These scenes are missable if you're too lucky, so if you want to see them, save/load.
- Philippe/Marisse caning: gamble with them (only possible with Leigh)
- Breyn: belt for PC or Leigh, or a handspanking for Dulcinea, depending on what you do and with whom.
- PC can spank Dulcinea
- Umma can punish PC if PC charms the old man outside. There are two possible spankings:
1) PC takes the money from the old man, then returns it later, and confesses to Umma. This particular spanking is avoidable as Umma is impressed by your honesty. You get spanked in Umma's room if you accept the punishment, but if you give attitude you can also get spanked in the camp, at the inn downstairs, and in the hallway upstairs, depending on where you are.
2) PC takes the money, doesn't return it, then talks to the old man with Umma in the party. Depending on your choices you get a switching, or switching plus hairbrush.
- Kaeli by proxy: after finding the communication amulet, Umma spanks or paddles PC if PC lied about their involvement with stealing the lamp.
Sep.8th 2020: BIG UPDATE
In this updated demo, you'll get to:
- choose flavour: more female spankers, more male spankers, or the original mixed version (Now you don't need to get spanked by a gender you don't like to be spanked by, yay!)
- choose a non-binary player character, if you so desire
- talk to Leigh whenever you want! As you guys suggested, I have implemented a Talk option, accessible through the menu. Leigh now has a lot to say about a lot of things
- have a fun spanking scene with Leigh, whenever you want! As long as it happens in the punishment cellar, that is. Eventually, when your romance stat is high enough, this fun spanking scene can escalate into something more sexual, if you wish (I think that's not possible in the demo yet, unless you cheat, but maybe I'm wrong.)
- experience three new spanking scenes, one of which might or might not include tentacles (and some, um, probing content)
- multiple scenes with Leigh
- Capriel/Capriella, caning
- F!Snayle of M!Snayle - two versions of a paddling
- cook - wooden spoon spanking for you or Leigh
- F!Nikalla or M!Nikalla, switching
- Fancelot/Fancelotte, strapping
- Maid and Janitor, several versions, plus maybe Varro/Varra
- F!golem or M!golem
- Mayla/Manuel
- Tentacle plant
- F!Patrigue or M!Patrigue
Hello again!
As promised, I am working on the sequel to 'A Servant's Tale', and finally I think I have something to show for it You don't need to play Servant's Tale, I think, to understand what's going on. You're an apprentice to a mage, currently living at a Mage College. The story goes from there, nothing important to know. Here's the first game if you want to play/replay it:
Now for the exciting part! This game (and also this demo) allows you to switch genders- of MC as well as three other characters. That's right! There's M/F, F/M, F/F, M/M.
AND you can romance any or all of the three main characters, too! You can't see it much in the demo so far, but I am already about 20 percent in on the next big update, so hopefully you won't have to wait too long for that (touchwood).
The spankings are still only audio. I am slowly beginning to work on some images to add, but don't hold your breath - I personally rather like to let my imagination do all the work, so adding pictures isn't a priority atm.
The gender switching was made possible (and relatively easy) by a plugin that my amazing spouse wrote for me. If anyone is interested in using the plugin in their game, let me know in a PM
I haven't been able to test everything as much as I would like, so there might be a few bugs here and there, hopefully nothing major. Please let me know if you find anything and I'll fix it asap.
Last edited by ArtsyWeasel; January 15th, 2021 at 09:47 AM.
so before I play the game, I want to let you know that somehow the sound effect "decision 1" was removed from the sound effect list, and the "ok" sound effect under system had last its sound attached to it, making the game when comparing it to other RPG maker MV projects eerily silent. I would recommend fixing that almost immediately, as its almost impossible to play through with that nagging sensation. Luckily since I found it, I fixed mine, and if anyone else also has RPG maker MV they can fix their own as well.
EDIT: another thing I found is the dressers, the ones that are 3 blocks tall, in like Cyran's room, and others such like it, can't be walked in front of or behind. The solution is to go in to the tileset section of the database, find the correct map file associated with the room, (in this case Inside Bedroom Plus), and manually mark the bottom tile of the dresser with O so you can pass in front of it, and the top tile of the dresser with * so you can walk behind it.
so before I play the game, I want to let you know that somehow the sound effect "decision 1" was removed from the sound effect list, and the "ok" sound effect under system had last its sound attached to it, making the game when comparing it to other RPG maker MV projects eerily silent. I would recommend fixing that almost immediately, as its almost impossible to play through with that nagging sensation. Luckily since I found it, I fixed mine, and if anyone else also has RPG maker MV they can fix their own as well.
EDIT: another thing I found is the dressers, the ones that are 3 blocks tall, in like Cyran's room, and others such like it, can't be walked in front of or behind. The solution is to go in to the tileset section of the database, find the correct map file associated with the room, (in this case Inside Bedroom Plus), and manually mark the bottom tile of the dresser with O so you can pass in front of it, and the top tile of the dresser with * so you can walk behind it.
Ha, interesting. I removed the sound on purpose as it was a bit harsh on my sensitive ears during play testing. But I have put it back in now, for your gaming pleasure
I have also made it possible to walk behind the tall dressers. (There's nothing there, but I understand that people don't like being needlessly limited.)
I love this continuation of the game and its story! I know how difficult for me it would be personally to make up the story AND make it into enjoyable game for spanko would be impossible so I appreciate it greatly
Love the option to choose genders of characters, and the fact that you can make romantic relationships is awesome!
For me the only important sound I need is the spanking sounds but I understand the feeling doesn't have to be mutual.
Overall I'm loving this game and can't wait for more content, I think it's very well thought out and will have you hooked for more. Minor bugs can always be fixed and I haven't find much at all. P. S.: Only thing... don't forgot to save as I always happen to do that and regret it later.
This looks really good so far. I love the setting and characters plus the different genders are a really nice way to make it enjoyable for everyone.
It's surprisingly bug free for the early stages of game too, only thing I found were some walls with paintings you could walk into.
I have two small annoyances but both are really more on me than the game. 1 I seem to accidently choose dialogue options more than in other games and can't figure out if and how they're different. 2 The reactions of the main character to punishment spankings and to willing spankings are very similar. I find it a bit weird that we tell the guy in the library we want to be spanked hard and then act as if were hating it. It's different for willing punishments of course but the interactions with him don't seem like that. In that regard I liked the interactions with the two doms im the inn in the first game, even when asking for punishment there was allways a line or two saying the main character was enjoying herself.
But these are just things that annoy me personally and there very minor, it's still an amazing project and I'm looking forward to more.
I love this continuation of the game and its story! I know how difficult for me it would be personally to make up the story AND make it into enjoyable game for spanko would be impossible so I appreciate it greatly��
Love the option to choose genders of characters, and the fact that you can make romantic relationships is awesome!
For me the only important sound I need is the spanking sounds but I understand the feeling doesn't have to be mutual.
Overall I'm loving this game and can't wait for more content, I think it's very well thought out and will have you hooked for more. Minor bugs can always be fixed and I haven't find much at all. P. S.: Only thing... don't forgot to save as I always happen to do that �� and regret it later.
Thank you very much for your comment! I am happy you enjoyed it
Huh..? My friend gets me in trouble all the time...
Very nice game, tried to play it F/m only, also made my friend female.
Unfortunately, there are still some masters...
But compliments to all the work into this game, text and humor are nice!
Well done and will certainly continue playing!
The demo is very well done. Will there others like the guy in the library that we can ask to be spank? At the end of the demo are going have more party members?